Saturday 9 April 2011

Random hotels and not-so-random bruises

Another night at Cuba Libre, another wake-up in a random hotel room. Another set of pole bruises. Oh yeah, I didn´t mention did I... those bruises I got on my arm mysteriously... well, I worked out they were from the pole at CL. And last night I caned myself, seriously it HURT! And when I woke up I looked at my arm... sheeesh. Worst ever.

But at least I had fun.

Yesterday at work was the worst day ever. They told me I could no longer handle the money because there were problems with the till the day before... and "they don´t know" whose fault it is, but I am pretty sure they think it´s mine. And rightly so, I am shit. I swear every time someone is watching me work, I cock up.

Worse still, I went to work SO STONED yesterday I could not stop laughing. I made so many mistakes ("Pepsi I said Pepsi, not 7up") and am pretty sure I was in general just shit at life. When I sobered up, though, I made sure I worked extra hard just to make up for my shitness. I do so hate feeling useless! :)

So I didn´t think I was gonna pull last night, or even go out, but as I was preparing to run out the door to CL I got talking to a cute Argentinian guy.... anyway, he was at the club too and pulling a very pretty English girl from the hostel - while also trying to pull me. Hilarious, given the girl was doing the same thing and then we got chatting and ended up making out in front of him. Haha... priceless..

So I was wasted - clearly - and not sure how I got back to his (private - woot woot!!) room at another hostel but when I woke up I was sure I was in a private room at Hostel Inn. Super confused when I looked out the window. Anyway, must run... work time. Woot.

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