Thursday 28 April 2011

Unsuccessful advances

Another day of hard yakka for little miss deLightful yesterday... which involved me walking from hostel to hostel trying to gather troops for the ill-fated Pub Quiz that evening. Problem was, most of the people here for the Easter long weekend had left and some hostels I couldnt find ANYONE to talk to!!

I had my 2 new English friends from my room in on it, and eventually found another guy from Hostel Inn up the road...but that was it really. I walked to the bar next to the Ritz with these 3 and it was dire. Almost too embarrassing. V, the new manager at the Ritz who I also worked with in Iguazu, had her first taste of the Pub Quiz...not sure if it is really gonna continue all that long. I told them it was silly to have something so un-Argentinian instead of some more traditional thing as a drawcard.

But anyway...I had a nice sit in the sun in the nearby plaza - the same one that had tango the other night - with the English girls and after a refreshing glass of vino, headed to Hostel Inn to rustle up these peeps.

At the bar, they instead gave my 3 friends some free tickets to a club and I had some drinks n dinner with my workmates while they tried to stay awake after their flight from England. I knew it wasnt gonna be a massive night, so we ended up just going to the hostel bar upstairs and playing some pool. At least that way I got staff priced beer and a chance to chill with my new Columbian amigovio as well as the other guy I want to sleep with that works there. Man, talk about shitting in my own bed.

After a chilled drink at another bar across the road, I bid the others goodbye and went back to the hostel with the Columbian, where he had found me a private room to chill in until he could come and make fun times with me. I fought off sleep until said event occurred, then tossed n turned waiting for the time I had to leave before the cleaners arrived. Had a weird dream involving chavvy kids, but I think thats cos of the convo I had with the others before I slept...

The walk back to the hostel was a little depressing... I noticed in my semi-zombie state just how dirty this city is and how many unattractive people live in it (an advantage I am sorely missing from Iguazu)... and how shit the action from the night before had actually been. I decided that walk was just a product of misplaced hormones. I love my life. Stop complaining!!

I wanted to go to bed but I knew that morning I was meant to motivate people to join the free walking tour from the hostel. But, as normal, I was told different things by different people, and upon walking into the hostel at 7:30am, the manager said, oh yeah I suppose you can help rustle up people from breakfast. To which I groaned inside and trooped upstairs to wash my hair while people actually came down to breakfast... I was praised for my eagerness and early arrival though - whether or not he knew I hadnt actually gone home was another thing.

Of course none of the few people I talked to wanted to go on the tour, and when my roommates came down they booked the other paid tour so I was able to join them last minute for free. Probably my favourite part about the tour was the little skatey dude from BA. Often caught myself staring at him inside of the monument behind, and often forgot my sunnies werent actually obscuring my eyeballs and he could see my probably half-open mouth staring vacantly at him.

We were taken around the various important parts of Buenos Aires... Plaza de Mayo, where a million protests about various shortcomings of Argentina were in progress. Apparently there are always several in action there, as its the point all the influential people work at and gets the most media attention. There is also a protest near the Ritz Hostel that has had people camping in the middle of the main road for 5 months, and just a few days ago saw them move into the middle of the road for more attention, henceforth blocking the traffic through the main street of BA. I swear when you look at most of the protesters, though, they are having a grand old time singing, playing guitar, smoking weed...what a life, eh.

We also went to a memorial museum of Eva Perron, and an 80 year old Perronist got teary telling us about the time he saw Eva speak in the street with millions of supporters waving their hankerchiefs in excitement. It almost made me cry, seeing him still so emotional after all these years...

At one point, the guide asked if I had partied a lot the night before...always slightly offending but it was kinda true I looked like a wreck. I told him I hadnt gotten much sleep but didnt go clubbing, he got the joke and said, SCORE... that was the closest my flirting got to him. At lunch after the tour, I made my intentions clear to the other guide (who was trying to get me to promise he could watch and or join in if he helped me get this guy...eww hideous) and found out the party they were going to. I thought if I saw him that night, he would have been told what I said and could either just go for me, or not, in which case it would be obvious he wasnt interested.

That night came, and I chilled in the hostel bar for a few drinks, waiting for my mate who I had run into at lunch - the same guy from a few nights ago I put half of Columbia up my nose with - but he never showed so I just left with my Guatemalan friend and some Argo guys who worked in the tourism industry doing something I couldnt quite catch but who knew the guys from the hostel. We had a dance but it never really got that full and - and this I guess is the biggest make or break - I didnt see the hot guide anywhere and there was NO ONE else I was attracted to.

Oh, my mate ended up being there waiting for us saying he had slept through when we were meeting at the hostel bar... but that was it. No one good-looking. I just couldnt believe it. So I was out. That was it. Also, aforementioned mate had made a pass at me when we were smoking in a park, and I didnt want him to get the wrong impression if I stayed behind with him and didnt leave with my Guatemalan mate.

The night wasnt a complete success, obviously, but it meant I got home at a reasonable hour and not drunk... we wanted to smoke when we got home but couldnt find any papers, and I was annoyed when I found cute Brazilian barman still on his laptop in the bar playing video games and ignoring my advances. Cunt. Thats the last time I try. Ahh, who am I kidding... I will try again.

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