Monday 4 April 2011

Shitty visas and departing sorrow

Had a mild bout of depression today as I found out, as an Australian, I need a visa to go into shitty Paraguay, something I do not want to organise just to buy a cheap camera, while at the same time having to say goodbye to my new favourite hot Argentinian plastic surgeon... seriously, he was like a soap opera doctor. Too hot to be in a hospital not on daytime TV.

Hopefully I can give the money to a workmate and he can get the camera for me when he goes into Paraguay, but who knows when that will actually be (everything takes forever in Argentina) and I want to get some happy snaps of some of the guys here before a bunch of them ship off home this week. Sigh.

I got another ride home on a workmate`s motorcycle last night, woot woot I love those things!!

What else happened today... hmm, not much. The hostel has quietened down quite noticably, I wonder if it`s been the recent shit weather or if it is indeed going into slow season. Either way, it has made some of my working days a mild-sight less tolerable and the views from the front door in now way comparative to previous days. Sigh. Again.

Still undecided about when I will leave or what I will do next, but planning day by day as I talk to people about their travel experiences. Patagonia looks amazing for horseriding but it is getting cold there, and do I really want to end my South American adventure in winter temps before I go back to Australia`s own winter?

Tomorrow is my day off. I had planned on going to Paraguay but since that`s on the rocks, I might just get boozed tonight, sleep in, sleep in, go on a jungle mini-adventure with a new girl from work and possibly fit in a visit to the beautician at some stage. My visit to the tattooist today was not entirely successful... I got another quote which was about 4x the original quote my mate got from a different artist, although I think he may have meant USD not pesos cos $40 - 80 seems a little cheap in pesos (AUD$10 - 20). The second shop I went to today also didn`t seem like amazing artists, so I think I will give that one a miss. Maybe I will go to Brazil to check out things there... we will see...

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