Saturday 16 April 2011

The final Cuba Libre...bring it on

So that random bubble of excitement about Buenos Aires kinda burst today when I found out my cute tattooist doesn`t get back to BA for another 2.5 months... boo. Maybe I will find him on the trail somewhere between now n then, but for now he can`t leave his travel buddies so I have no place to crash and no warm, tattooed body to cuddle up to each night. Will have to find someone else. What an effort.

I woke up today sin resaca as I had appropriately ended my Cuba Libre evening by myself, not wanting to completely ruin myself for tonight`s final party. Got up on the pole again and built on the half-gone bruise from the week before, adding a nice sky blue tint to the oddly shaped now pretty much birthmark. On both arms. What a massive trashbag. But what a story to tell eh.

I kissed 2 more boys of barely 20 (again), one of which is a guest here... oops. The first was cuter and a better dancer so I`m not quite sure why I ended up spending more time with the second but I did. Guess we were stuck together watching the random fashion show/excuse to parade hot girls around in underwear/dance show and that was that.

The club played much better reggaeton-esque music to dance to after the fashion show (which also featured one of the hottest Argo guys I have ever seen...and he knew it, no wonder he didn`t cast me a glance when I checked him out in the club before I found out he was a model. I had a dance then wanted to find the other guy to dance with, so made my "toilet" exit, found the other guy (whose friends were annoyed at me doubling up on their friend, although the friend didn`t care) and then decided it was time to bail. I felt I was sobering up anyway...

Found the first guy outside the club with his mates and hung with them for a couple of minutes before their juvenile behaviour got the better of them and I was OUT, yelling "niƱos" (children) over my shoulder as I jumped into a cab. Fuck that for a joke.

So tonight we are heading to CL again, the last time for me and J. A fair few of the staff have said they are coming, so hopefully that happens. Two of my favourite boys won`t come cos of lack of funds and probably Jesus. Ahh well, am looking forward to a good boogie and not a night of pick-ups (for once), a fitting farewell for my time here. And dammit if they don`t play some reggaeton!!

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