Thursday 28 April 2011

Coffins in the sun

Buenos Aires is home to possibly the worlds biggest cementary... or maybe at least the most elaborate. The final resting place to the citys aristocracy and upper class, it features tombs with mosaiced roofs, stained-glass windows, tiled staircases and marble statues... at a glance.

I went today to see it with my English friends - 2 gap years who havent traveled much but want to get out and see it all, such nice girls who have no idea but are trying at least... reminds me of me those years ago when I started traveling!! - and the Guatemalan D. D has an awesome Nikon so I am going to steal his pics from the day... it was beautiful weather so there are bound to be plenty of good shots.

We found the cementary to be a little creepy, yes because it is a cementary but also because they just have these tombs with the coffins sitting inside. Most of the time you can plainly see them, while some are underground... but others look like they have been just thrown in and not touched since, all sunken and dusty... We even saw a human leg bone in one of the derelict tombs...shudder.

The most important grave for most tourists is that of Eva Perrons family, since it is her final resting place after being sent all around the world by the military when her embalmed body was kidnapped (and rumoured to be sexually abused...gross) when the Perron government was overthrown. All this interesting history I really had no idea about. I am so blissfully ignorant sometimes.

After the cementary, we checked out the museum of modern arts, not too big but that was good because my legs were falling from under me... days out sightseeing really make me tired!! I headed back on my own while the others went to see the Japanese gardens etc, because I needed to work a little on getting people to the Free Pizza Party tonight. Fingers crossed people actually come to this one!!

So I have been thinking about my travel plans and things keep pointing me towards Bolivia so I think I might head there next. But it is a fair distance away so I will probably stop in Cordoba, Rosario, Salta... I have guys I could stay slash sleep with in each city potentially so that is definitely an incentive. And I have made a friend who asked if I wanted to hitchhike to Bolivia and then volunteer at a trekking place... sounds interesting. Maybe not the volunteering as a guide, but I could always ask about horse places instead while I am there!!

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