Tuesday 26 April 2011

Tequila is the devil

Never drinking tequila again. Especially not 3 shots in a row.

It all began in the hostel bar... my workmates had promised me tonight was gonna be big so I had not had a big one the night before. After waking up again in the afternoon, I wandered down to the hostel bar and started drinking 2x1 happy hour drinks, except not really paying anything...gotta luv the cute barman... And before I knew it, I was getting shuffled out of there and into a cab to the Roxy.

So my memories of the Roxy were far n few between... I know I got the number of a cute bar chick but promptly lost it...and had a dance. But don´t remember seeing anyone that said they saw me the next day... ahh such is life.

All was good, I had a good boogie with my new workmate from Bulgaria who is married but on a night out - PS when an Eastern European says I WANNA GET DRUNK, please believe them - and first stop was to the bar for some shots. Even the next day, I firmly believed I had just 1 shot but I am told it was 3... which is probably why am told I kissed the Bulgarian chick and I somehow ended up half in, half out of a taxi passed out with 4 Argentinian guys - including the ambulance guy - trying to wake me up.

I was out of it. I mean, seriously, out of it. Not been that bad for quite some time. I had already thrown up - possibly why I had taken myself out of the club, or maybe a bouncer took me out after I apparently fell over in front of everyone... and had to hold people to support my own weight, shocking... - but anyway, I was in this cab and they were trying to get where I was staying out of me. Seeing as I could hardly speak English, speaking Spanish was out of the question...

Eventually I wrote or said the right address, and was about to get ferried off when I saw they¨d had the meter running the whole time they were trying to talk to me. Hmmm. I may be absolutely hammered but I ain¨t that stupid. So they zeroed it and I got home paying about what I should have paid.

Of course, waking up the next day was a little more difficult than normal - and I found fucking bugs in my hair from the dirty carpet in there GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS - but eventually I got up, showered and clambered downstairs to make - shock surprise - more pasta. I am eating way too much pasta and cheese here. Fatty fatty boombala.

So I can´t really remember what I did that day, but I don´t think it was much, considering I actually got out of bed at 4:30...but I know I woke up without my camera. Sigh. Not even a week that one lasted. At least I downloaded some pics of Iguazu but I lost a bunch of some people that I worked with there... bit sad about that. Now I have to put in another claim and just wait til they decided they can´t cover me anymore cos I am just useless. I wonder if there is a section in the terms n conditions about being a useless trashbag. I have found a website where I can buy it again for just as cheap so hopefully I do get the money.

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