Thursday 21 April 2011

Hola Buenos Aires and my new job :)

Buenos Aires. I arrived not 17, but 19 hours after leaving Iguazu due to stormy weather on the way. But to tell the truth, I didn`t even notice the 2-hour delay. The bus was LUSH, the best I have ever been on... and after some initial confusion about which class I actually booked myself on, I found out it was the best one available. Muy bien.

I had woken up in Iguazu again at new work boy`s house, after another lovely night in his brown, sculpted arms... ahem, now where was I... so I finally got to the bus station to book my ticket - all chuffed I got the special promotional discount - then after at Hostel Inn was told I could have bought the better class for about the same amount and a later time, I was momentarily pissed off but got over it about a minute later when I remembered I was meant to be soaking up the poolside sun and chilling for the last time with my amigos...

That box ticked, I then had a stressful moment running around for a taxi last minute but made it to the terminal in good time. N even came with me from the ride, helping me with my bags - sweetheart - and I had a sad goodbye before settling into the amazing, fully reclinable seat that was to be my bed for the next evening.

One dinner, breakfast, glass of champers, glass of red wine and about 4 movies later, I was well rested and well fed. Ready to tackle the world. Well, minus my sore muscles... and the creepy men staring at me from across the corridor.

In an overcast and slightly chilly BA, I headed straight to the Ritz Hotel/Hostel to talk with the head guy and the new manager (who happens to be a chick from Iguazu I worked with) about work. They told me all 3 hostels that Hostel Inn own in BA were fully booked because of the Easter Long Weekend but they would "find me a place"...the place that ended up being at Tango City hostel in the office, currently not in use I found out because of recent flooding. Oh dear.

The people I have met from here so far seem to be nice... but they always do at the beginning don`t they... and I am liking the fact I haven`t heard one David Guetta or BEPs song since I walked in the door. In fact, it has mostly been hard rock so that can only be good.

My job, I am told so far, is to promote people socialising in the evening, going to the hostels` joint events and encourage them to go out. I heard the last girl that did it was shit and also was probably not paid, just given board, so I am not sure how long I would want to do it for... although it does kinda sound like my perfect gig.

Am about to talk more with the manager here, and tomorrow with the head guy, so hopefully will find something to do that gets me MUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAA....that`s what it`s all about in the end. And partying.

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