Tuesday 5 April 2011

Day off ramblings

Hoy es un dia tranquila... but the insects!! I swear I almost screamed before when I was trying to sunbake! They annoy me so much!! And when I opened my eyes I saw the culprits, 2 little black winged bandits circling my legs looking for the next place to pierce. Arrrrggghhhhhhh....

So that`s disturbed my day-off peace, and driven me indoors yet again to the internet. I am sure there are a million things I could be doing while I have the chance, but of course my mind draws a blank when I try to think of them. Beautician - yes, that`s one! But sadly no tattoo... must look into Brazilian tattoo places.

Starting to get itchy feet with this place, it´s been almost 3 weeks and the other English-speaker here is super super keen to vamos as soon as his new passport comes through. Doesn`t make me particularly want to stick around a lengthy time, either... I kinda want to see more of the country. We get paid soon, I wonder how much I will get... Don`t know how they do it here, and I don`t have a contract so it will be interesting.

I have found a way to hook up with people at the hostel after-hours, too... another girl here asks for a key to an empty room and goes in there until about 6am, then leaves before the cleaners start and they clean the room none the wiser. Pretty good plan methinks. Sometimes I feel there is nothing else here to do besides hook up...

One thing I have noticed about this place, probably actually Argentina in total, is that they share everything. You buy a drink, you offer it around the group. You have some lunch, you offer it to everyone. You buy a drink, you better get a big bottle and 6 cups. It`s a little odd, but kinda cool. Except when I have a sore throat and I feel like I am just passing it around the group. But even when we`re chilling back at the staff house, it`s off to get a big bottle of vino to pass around in 2 cups. Probably sounds unspectacular but just thought I`d mention it. Hey, I got the time!!

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