Tuesday 26 April 2011

Chavvy trains and soggy brains

Trying to sleep after putting half of Columbia up my nose is kinda like trying to milk a rat... not really possible without help but no doubt entertaining to watch. I gave up after a few hours - good effort really - and struck up a conversation with the sweet Columbian (speaking of) chick staying in my room. She was heading out to enjoy the sunshine of the city, so I joined her.

Not speaking much English at all, it was a good chance to practice my Spanish and unbelievably, on our return after 9pm, I had spoken barely 2 sentences in English! Don`t know how she understood me but I could understand her pretty well, I guess Columbian Spanish is easier than Argentinian. I swear I have thrown myself in the deep end with this here.

We walked to some of the key places in the city, hung about the posh marina area (not TOO long, we are on a budget here) and then headed to the main bus terminal to see about some buses to this place she heard of about an hour out of town. Not knowing the name or how to get there, we kinda blindly walked about for a short time before finding out it was only a local train we caught to get there, and the place was called Tigre.

1.25 pesos later and we were on board with what I can only imagine is the Argentinian version of a chav/bogan, heading to the end of the line. We were told, again, to keep hold of our bags in this area and my paranoia returned. I am already scared of walking this city alone, dammit!! But it turned out to be OK, the town was on one side and a canal river on the other... full of people running with their dogs and children playing in playgrounds. Did not feel like we were still in BA, kinda reminded me of a resort town in Australia or something.

We ate a delicious beer with some ice cold beer...mmm...and then headed back to the city. The train ride back was a little more chav-infested than before, and I was a little scared at who was gonna board at each station. Although I did see cops often on the station so I guess they`re well aware of its dangers. A blind man came on and sang a couple of really nice songs with his guitar, and we tipped him. Much better than most of the people I have heard busking with sight!!

All in all, it turned out to be a lovely day and I had only minor moments of tiredness. That`s what you get for doing stupidly big amounts of that shit. I have honestly never seen people take that much in one go. I guess it doesn`t matter when it`s so cheap. I hope I see those boys again. And the smoking hot chick. Mmm.

We talked momentarily about going to see some tango, it being my friend`s last night here, but when we got to the hostel I came out from washing my gross hair and she was already asleep. Bless her cotton socks. I took a note from her book and also sorted my shit out and slept. Gotta take it easy if I am gonna come out of this place alive.

Have been talking to some mates from Iguazu re going for a visit in Uruguay, which is a hop skip from here, so maybe that will happen. But at the moment, I am thinking I will leave before a month. Not sure it`s my thing here for too long. Although I need to figure out my money situation... Maybe head to Bariloche or el Bolsen in Patagonia...who knows. But hey, tomorrow is another day...

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