Saturday 23 April 2011

Never shop stoned

Last night was the first time I ventured out on the town in Buenos Aires, principally to meet the guest I had been fond of in Iguazu who lives nearby here. First, though, I chilled at the hostel mainly with F, the cute Brazilian bartender. Woke up in the arvo, had a smoke and then proceeded to take 3x longer to do everything else that day. F faffs around like an old nana, I was WORSE in that state. We went to the supermarket and they found me drooling in the sweets aisle with a basket full of biscuits, chips and chocolate, just staring at the shelves. Useless.

Once I was pulled out of the shop, we went back to the hostel to cook and chill out some more. I stayed in the bar for hours longer, making friend after friend as they filed in to get some cheaper drinks before hitting the town. At one point I got myself looking respectable and came down to 2-cabfuls of guests wanting to join me for the night. I was organising via Facebook what to do, not really knowing anything myself to be honest (considering I had been here just one night) but already clearly doing my job well. haha...listen to me.

The bar in Palermo Soho was small, as expected, but packed full. And mostly of locals, which was good. Except that we stuck out even more because of this. I danced mostly with a newly formed couple - the guy from Australia and the girl Canadian - the latter I found to be smoking hot in a tight little dress she bought from a local shop. Speaking of local shops, there is an awesome little boutique around the corner which I really like, and I am dying to get some shoes there. I will need some new heels soon, I am completely wearing out my fave brogues. But it will have to be a bday pressie from mum or dad, no way I am splashing out on those puppies on my budget!! The tattoo was bad enuf!

Anyway, so back to the bar... I had a good boogie with my newfound friends as also found my BA mate, who is cute but got a bit annoying when he saw me kissing the hot Canadian (oh yeah - forgot to mention how that came about... well, we were dancing and she was hot, and I told her so, and soon after she admitted she had a girl crush on me and well, the rest is history), and being Argentinian, he came over and wanted a piece of the action, not realising that she was not interested because she was already with the Australian guy. So that kinda turned me off him.

Soon after, we made a hasty retreat out of the club in search of more special South American party treats. No luck had, even with asking random cabbies (the last time they scored it was from an old cab driver), we eventually folded and got a cab back (a pity since I know it could have turned into a crazy little party in my office room with those 2...). I felt I had spent a lot of money, but I know I didn`t do too badly, considering I didn`t pay much for drinks at the hostel before and it was mainly just cover charge at the club, a couple of drinks and the taxis I had to pay for. I have a feeling that will be my main expenditure here... fuck nutritious meals and tourist attractions.

No, I am meant to get up early tomorrow to organise all the people who want the walking tour of BA from all 3 hostels so I think I will join that, depending on my head. It will be good to see everything with a guide and also to know where things are, should people ask me. I also am going to ask about the staff discount for the tango show/dinner/open bar activity they sell here. An Aussie couple wants to go tomorrow night, so that could be entertaining. But only if it`s free or very cheap!

I am still trying to learn Spanish but so many people here talk English sometimes it`s hard. I was conversing with the cab driver last night, in a way, so that shows progress I guess. And at times I was the translator with some girls in the club and the guys I was with... but some people here are just impossible to understand!! Necesito practicar mas...

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