Thursday 7 April 2011

Muito besos a la Cuba Libre

Had a brief moment of excitement on my day off when one of my co-workers said a bunch of people planned to go to Paraguay the next day, and I could just walk over a bridge from Brazil to Paraguay with no visa troubles. Haha... gotta love it.

But, Argentina being Argentina, I was the only one to actually wake up the next morning and after a quick look around the silent house, I crawled back into bed. Pelotudos. So much for that friggin new camera. I`ll get it one of these days. Hopefully.

It`s started to wear on me a little, this place. I know I should give them a month but the novelty has for sure started to wear off. When the weather is good I can at least sunbake but only if I get up in time... and now a few of the fun boys have left (although some were beginning to grate on me) and I am starting to get annoyed with some of the people I work with. Like actually starting to see what their personalities are like. Bah.

Also, it is a little frustrating now speaking the language here... a lot of times I am just sitting there trying to put the fragments of conversation together while they move from topic to topic, all the while a silent figure in the corner, just mulling over what they probably said 5 subjects ago. Weird, freaky corner figure. That´s me.

Work was fine, still a bit slow but I had gotten a good night`s sleep the night before when I bailed because a couple of the others were jamming (piano and violin... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek) and again I was alone on the couch. Weird couch girl. But for once I actually got a full night`s sleep. Was sooo good.

Because of my clear head, I was fully up for clouding it up again with some booze and Cuba Libre action, particularly since it was the boys` final night here. I befriended some Irish hotties and convinced them to come to the club... fast track to CL and I was makin` out with one of the chicks and dancin` up a storm, grindin` grindin` grindin`... Opa!!

The club wasn`t that full, not surprising since it was only Wednesday, so the talent wasn`t exactly swimming in the pool. Ran into a guy from a previous CL night out, and made out with him. Funny since the last time we met he acted hot n cold, and I was certain he was gay. And I`m pretty sure I made out with a couple of other people, girls and guys, as well. But one can never be entirely sure.

At one stage I lost the others and went outside, ran into a girl from work with a couple of guys, and we jumped into his car to go back to one of their houses. I had a good chat with the guy who owned the house, who works at the hostel down the road also owned by these people, and at first he said I was nothing special when I mentioned the guys loved "exotic J" (ie not Argentinian)... half an hour later he was asking to kiss me and trying to dance with me with a raging hard-on. Grosero. It was at that point I decided to leave. He apologised and gave me money for a cab. That was sweet, at least.

The cab driver kept saying, "muy linda muy linda" (very pretty) so eventually - after some very bad directions to my house - I said, "Just let me out here" in my broken Spanish, and got the fuck outta there. Later the guys from work said they saw me when their bus drove past, walking home at 9:30am. I wondered what time it was. Must start taking my phone with me on these adventures.

Woke up at 3pm. My shift started at 2. Oops. Gotta admit, I rushed a little but not really that much. Can`t really find top gear anymore being here. Muy tranquila. I flagged down a young guy on a motorcycle and convinced him to take me to the hostel, and was there 5 mins later. Sweet! No one really cared and I finished on normal time, fuck doing an extra hour.

Have decided that I will stay until the one-month mark here and bail. I am getting itchy feet and need to see more of this country. And its...uh...sights.... Now. Sleep. Time.

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