Monday 11 April 2011

Headbanging with the locals

Last night was the first time I sidestepped Cuba Libre and went out to a local joint, thoroughly immersing myself (for the first time) with the Argentinian way of life. And it was a rock night, so not only was I surrounded by hot Argos, I had to listen to Spanish rock classics all night. Haha... priceless.

I had dolled myself up in my finest rock-esque outfit after work (no floral dresses here!!), and was excited about hanging with some of my work buddies that usually start early and keep things pretty tame. But from my efforts the night before, I found myself almost falling asleep for a large bit of the night. Useless!! Kept saying I was going home but never actually left until the others did... and before I knew it, it was almost 7 in the morning. That happens way too easy around here. I blame it on the 1:30am starts these people seem to have for their nightlife.

The bar was cool, with graffiti from past customers all over the walls, and we truly christened its namesake "Jimmy Hendrix" with a fair few little fumar especials around the corner. That, mixed with the chilled red wine, made us all pretty jolly by the end of the night. Cab ride home was fun, with all 5 of us squished into the 4 seats. No H&S round these parts, folks!

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