Saturday 30 April 2011

Free (but pretentious) bar

Getting back to my hostel was a little more time-consuming than first thought... once my hot flight attendant gave me some cash to get home due to lost wallet, I got into the main bus terminal and decided to walk back to the hostel. Hmmm... would have been fine had I not decided to walk down the exact streets several hundred drunken protesters were also walking down. Although I wasn't exactly hassled, I did find it extremely embarrassing to have a whole st of men yelling after me (in Spanish) ¨gorgeous, beautiful, I wanna fuck you, oh my god, mamma mia...¨ and so on... Sometimes I couldn't help but smile but in reality... eek!! I was scared to go out after that.

When I got back, I found my new little crush from the reception of the other hostel, R, had invited me on FB to the opening of a new bar in Palermo which apparently had a free bar until whenever... and I soon ran into the English girls and the Guatemalan, who said they were keen to come as well. So it was sorted. I was going to this party.

I didn't know the directions so R offered to come by Tango City when he finished his shift and explain... at this stage I still had not showered from my return from hot flight attendant's house, so having him meet me was a little daunting but I thought, fuck it. That's the life of a trashbag unfortunately. So we hung about the reception talking shit for a little bit, me not wanting to go cos I liked his company so much, and him not leaving for whatever reason... sigh. Who knows if he likes me. Time will tell.

I met back up with my amigos and we grabbed some cheap Chinese food - OMG I ate so MUCH - and then headed out to this club. It was still relatively early because we wanted the free bar... but of course so did everyone else, so we were stuck at the back of this queue that didn't seem to be moving. We found out that was because the bar wasn't yet open (that doesn't tend to help), so when it turned 11pm we shuffled forward a little.

Still, we had no idea what was happening with guest list or names or anything... I had asked R if we needed to be on the list but he had insisted no... so I was looking confused and at one point, a man asked me who I was with, and when I replied with my friend's name and that I didn't know what was going on, he said ¨follow me¨ and before I knew it, we were in. Don't ask me how, and considering how casual we all were compared to the rest, I still couldn't tell you how I managed to get in.

Anyway, so we were in. Of course the bar was packed, but they also were understaffed and weren't really bothered TBH, and so we managed to get 3 beers for free apiece before they stopped the free bar. And also some nice finger food, and unexpectedly some empanadas. Yum. Not like we needed anymore food after that Chinese meal explosion, but hey, free food is free food. And hence why I am putting on weight here. Sigh.

I was looking all night for my cute little friend but he never appeared, and so at one point - about the same time most people in Argentina tend to leave their houses to go out - we decided to call it a night. After the free drinks, we didn't buy anymore because it was so expensive - like Sydney or London prices - and I will be fucked if I am paying that for a tiny beer. Got to be kidding me. Also, the crowd was beautiful but pretentious and the music shitty house that basically sounds the same song after song for me.

At one point, a guy gave me half a joint and I smoked that until just before the bouncer passed through... but otherwise, we were all pretty sober. When we left, shortly after 2am, it had started raining harder and we were not in the mood for another 8 block walk back to the bus so we grabbed a cab. Probably the nicest cab driver we will ever have in Argentina, we finally got back for the right price and called it a night reasonably early. How very responsible of me. For once.

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