Sunday 3 April 2011

Mental on a motorbike

So, continuing on from my last post, this group of Argentinian men (yes, men, as in over 20 years old) had come in and I caught the eye of the cutest one... tanned, light brown hair, blue eyes... beautiful. Later got talking to him and found out they were all plastic surgeons. Great ego boost. I can just imagine him mentally drawing little lines all over my imperfections. Aside from that, however, they did mention how many women in Brazil get ass implants, a fact I found hilarious. Ass implants!! Can you imagine that in Australia??!

Anyway, so I have explained about the 2-hour hotel but then afterwards I got a lift door to door in the hot surgeon´s car and then had a few hours sleep before work. Soooooo tired the next day but seeing the hottie again sans shirt really lifted my spirits. Oh, his smile... melts me every time. Sigh. Actually really preferring people with a few more years on them. Should have stuck with that idea before but the poooooooooooooootaaaaaang is just on tap here.

Got a lift into work with one of the management who lives at the staff house here on his motorbike... god, I love those things. Wind in my air... etc etc... Took a little detour to the other hostels to sort some things out but got to work eventually, in my heels sans other shoes (left them at the hostel the night before) and running in all stressed cos I didn´t know the time... yes, I do indeed draw attention to myself. Was only 5 mins late in the end anyway. Blurgh.

I finished work and kept things pretty light, just a couple of beers (one maybe even...hideously sensible), and I took myself home. Had to walk, very disappointed, but halfway home I heard the roaring of a group of motorcycles and I spotted some workmates amongst the beeping lunatics. I threw my (bruised) arms up in anguish before one of them turned around and picked me up, to take me home. Yay!! Wrapping arms around a hot Argo on a motorbike... don´t mind if I do!!

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