Wednesday 20 April 2011

Hello to the new, goodbye to the old...

I have a new camera. About friggin time I say. It involved illegal border crossings - as I technically needed a visa as an Australian to enter Paraguay - but this proved to be no problem. After a bus ride into Brazil and through to the Paraguaian border, we hopped off and walked the rest of the way. So I just joined in a group of other South American-looking people and tried my hardest not to look Australian as we crossed countries halfawy across the bridge (well, there`s nothing much I can do about that really, but I tried).

We had P from Hostel Inn with us - fluent in Spanish, Portuguese and English - so that helped a little with the bargaining. After the non-eventful border crossing (literally, "border control" is just a shed with a bunch of non-manned posts and some lazy-looking policeman standing around talking underneath), we dodged through the crazy traffic to the shopping centres parading electronics everywhere. My poor, flip-flop clad feet have never felt so exposed in my life. Ahh, watch that tyre mister!!

J was in a shit mood because he`d been charged 300 pesos to get OUT of Argentina, as he over-stayed his visa waiting for a replacement passport for the one that had been stolen (shit situation) in Buenos Aires. And I was getting annoyed asking the same question about cameras and getting basically the same answer from everyone. Eventually I settled on one, a Kodak which seemed to have some good features (including panorama - like a CHILD I am so excited!!) but of course as soon as I bought it, the next shop offered a cheaper price. Pelotudos.

It´s basically the same price in Oz but I don´t care, I have a new camera and I wasn´t thrown in the slammer for defying visa laws. Had a moment crossing back into Argentina where I thought I would be held for being Israeli (I swear, how does "Australia" sound like Israel??) but otherwise all was good. And I have a new camera. Oh how good that feels.

Got to work with perfect timing and proceeded to do fuck all all day... took some pretty sweet panoramic pictures with my new feature-packed camera though. Like children, we were well amused with the fact we could take a 3-photo panoramic with the same person in each shot, like they were 3 places at once. Wow! Amazing. Technology these days.

At work, the new guy continued to make eyes at me and once I hit full frontal flirting mode I knew I was in. Dang, he be a fine piece of ass. Spent 10 years in America too, so could speak perfect English (albeit with a kinda funny Mexican twang). Used to be in some East Side gang, though, so I guess it is a good thing I am only staying a short time here. Can tell I could possibly get tangled into a mess I didn´t need there...

The boss told me she actually did ring the hostel in BA and ask about work for me, and the boss down there said to just come by and speak to him when I get into town. Sweetness in a jar. So I haven´t booked anywhere to stay, just hoping he says yes and I can just stay there. Heard the new manager is actually a girl from here, so hopefully that will also help my chances.

So back to the new boy. A few fair of the crew came back to the hostel after work to drink with me and J, who was also still here after meaning to leave the day before, and after a fumar especial, they left and I scooted off with the new boy to firstly walk then get a cab (at my insistence haha...I´m wicked and I´m laaaaaazy). So cute, the hostel dog - who now comes to her name Freida and loves me lots - tried to hobble along on her 3 good legs after us. My heart melts.

Good times lay ahead of me at new boy´s casa... finally, a private room!!!

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