Friday 22 April 2011

Night 1 in BA: A taste of Columbia

The Columbian. My first taste of the country and it was every bit as gloriously passionate as I had wanted it to be. The poor boy - and I say boy because he looks about 18 but is actually 24 - is still in love with his ex-gf of 3 years who lives in Spain or somewhere, but refuses to admit it...and is trying desperately to get over her by finding someone else to love. Why he thought I would be that person, god only knows.

I had my first ¨shift¨ last night, which involved ferrying the guests from all 3 connected hostels to the hostel bar next to the Ritz for free pizza. Basically just a rouse to get them drinking at their expensive - although very nice - bar, I was also responsible for telling them the pizza was only for those who had bought a drink. Hmm. That part I didnt do...

At the bar, I met some more of my future workmates including the Columbian, funnily enuf the same friend of L who I worked with in Iguazu...and who I mentioned ¨the Columbian¨ to as a side comment. Dammit, not doing so good on destroying that ¨little whore¨ nickname she gave me haha...

It was fun, I did get lost on the way from hostel to hostel but time will heal those wounds. And met some more people, so that was good. When the bar closed, me and the Columbian went up to the rooftop of the hostel - reserved for staff members only - and it was a beautiful view of the city. The Columbian was all over me, but I was honestly more concerned with the view. I love a good rooftop.

Disappointing attempts to horizontal dance - I think mainly due to aforementioned love and possibly too much weed - and we were heading back to Tango City, me unsure whether he was coming in with me or just walking me back safely. After he had a little tantrum about god knows what...crazy Columbian, we walked in - together - and I saw the night shift guy was one of the people I lived with in Igauzu, although the only one I never really met properly. So we recognised each other but I dont know if either one knew the others name! But thats good I know another person here.

We played some pool, I flirted with the Brazilian barman inconspicuously - probably not though - and then me and the Columbian went to my office slash room. I think I said something that offended him cos he left and I woke up alone. Not entirely a bad thing, considering the afteraffects of me shagging someone the first night on the job, and I wanted my single bed to myself thanks very much! Plenty of time to right my wrongs with him anyway... not that I want this to be a repeatedly disappointing event. Urgh. Next!

Tonight I am preparing - after a MASSIVE but needed sleep-in - for a night on the town with one of the guests from Iguazu, cant wait as it will be one with the locals and my first biggie in the city renowned for its party scene. I am expected to completely spend too much, as I already felt I was doing yesterday, but hey, when in BA... if it all gets too much, I am outta here anyway. No problemo.

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