Friday 1 April 2011

Storm time

A nasty-ass tropical storm is brewing outside the hostel right now. I am glad I am working inside today. Just chilling before work, when I get one precious hour with my favourite little boy, and then tonight is most likely Cuba Libre time, it being Friday n all. But this weather may well put a dampener on things.

Yesterday was pretty uneventful. After work, I had just one beer then bailed back to the house because the other boys were occupied with pretty Israeli girls and I didn`t want to stand in their way.

Found out when I ran into one of the other workers on the way home that four of them are leaving next week. Super sad. I like this crew and it is changing so much!! Boo. I HAVE to get that camera soon so I can take piccies of everyone before they scoot off. Alright, time to eat!

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