Monday 31 January 2011

The wind, how it cuts me!

It was the biting wind that got me today. The minus degrees I can handle... the wind is a bitch. So much so that come lunchtime, I had resolved that going riding would in fact be less enjoyable because of the weather and I'd rather stay inside warm. Not many times I choose not to ride, especially when I'm about to have 10 days break of it while G is away, but today it happened.

Tomorrow I will have to exercise the camels anyway, so it will be one last ride before she leaves. My shoulder is hurting again as I write this... must resume my stretches again tonight.

G's husband has put himself on this weird diet post-health retreat, where each few days he changes to more solid foods after initially just drinking tea. He tells me he has never had an appetite in his life so he eats just to taste the food and be socialable. Now I find this a bit far-fetched but I will believe him, because what else do you do... his current diet consists of a jar of jam A DAY, some soup and a tub of yoghurt. Don't tell me how this is healthy but anyway... me and G just sigh and shrug.

Nothing much interesting happened today since I was a hermit. I studied some more Spanish, finished the manual for what to do around here (yay!!) so the Brit has something to study before launching into it all, did some more South American organising and tried to resume organising the music for my sister's wedding. Have some ideas but we'll see how it goes...

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