Thursday 13 January 2011

Camel surprise

It was my first experience taking camels on the road today, as we had a birthday party to take two of them to. Loading them up was the same as a horse, they went on to the float pretty easily and traveled well. It's a fact that camels sit down for most of their travels, which I find kinda strange, but then again camels are the strangest of strange animals. Like a dinosaur crossed with a llama crossed with a giraffe.

Anyway, I digress. So we drove to an equestrian centre and here we gave camel rides to anyone who wanted them, while we waited for the birthday girl. She arrived pissed as a fart, on the back of a golf cart thing with a blindfold on, and was super surprised when she saw all her riding friends, bottles of champagne, a cake, presents and two camels!

She was only turning 27 so I asked what made the big fuss, and was told she was the owner of the riding school which I found amazing for a girl her age but you just never know these days. Kids are doing all sorts of things. Actually, she is my age and I have done much more weird and wonderful things so far... and it will only keep going, if I have anything to do with it!!

G is giving me an easy day tomorrow because my wrists are getting weak and a bit sore. I did a lot of physical work today, which I'm not complaining about because I like that it disciplines my mind and body, and hopefully tones me up... it's just that me wrists, me darn wrists... Arthritis by 30, I swear.

So I guess it's a Spanish day tomorrow. Today I learnt how to count to 1000, now I need to get on top of my common prepositions. Eek.

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