Tuesday 4 January 2011

New Years Eve with no dramas??! Ole!!

New Years Eve. A time for loved ones to get together and reflect on the year passed. A time for friends to make new friends and enjoy their surroundings in perfect harmony. For Buddhists, it was also a time to go CRAZY!!!

Seriously, those who know me know I LOVE to dance and NYE is certainly no exception. I was ready and raring to go before most people left the sports hall - so much so that the Lama commented on my tutu-ed outfit and glittery makeup when he blessed me - and I knew that I would not be the only one on the dancefloor. A welcome change to the cynical and scared people who frequent most of the clubs I find myself in.

I had been thinking about a particular Spanish boy the last few days and once he saw me out of my homeless person get-up of fisherman pants and oversized hoodie, and realised I was actually a decent looking female, it was on. He followed me to the party and indeed stayed with me all night, buying me drinks and dancing with me.

We joined a packed dancefloor and boogied our little hearts out to cover bands, some DJs and a funk band. I think. It all started to blur into one after a while. The drinks were flowing, but not so much that I got really wasted, and I was running high on life all night.

At one point I ended up kissing some Polish (or Czech??) girl in front of Spanish boy, which he didn't know how to take, and then afterwards apologised profusely for interrupting me haha... Bless him.

We lost T and M about 2 minutes after walking in but ran into them a few times through the night. They, along with everyone else, was having a really good time and I can safely say it was one of the best parties I have ever been to. Not one person got angry, messy drunk, rude or negative - everyone was just there to enjoy themselves. Who would've thought they atmosphere was possible, especially on NYE right???

Towards the end of the night, I lost Spanish boy and ended up calling it a night and going back with his Brazilian and Spanish friends. Thinking he was back already, I went to what I guessed was his sleeping bag but he wasn't there so I tucked myself in and had a lovely hour of sleep before I felt someone jump on me and try to get into the same sleeping bag.

Now this sleeping bag did not have a zip so this manouveur was particularly tricky, and given he was naked when I woke up, also somewhat brazen for the middle of a sports hall. I eventually convinced him it wasn't a good idea and we fell asleep, me out of bag and him inside. I thought this better since he was still naked. Haha... the Spanish.

A couple of hours later everyone was roused from their slumbers and pushed out of the hall. I didn't need the encouragement, I was already on my way to the bus station to get a bus to Vienna. Camel farm, here I come!!

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