Friday 21 January 2011

News just in: flights bked, tax refund back!!

Today I fed and mucked out the stables for all 10 camels and 11 horses, fed the sheep/deer, jumped on a horse and exercised the camels in the big paddock hans solo (hard work, the lazy fuckers), had breakfast then booked my flights to Brazil and Australia. At that point it was 10am.

The remainder of my day has been considerably less hectic, as I accompanied my boss' mum - who turns 89 this year - with her nephew and his wife to a local restaurant for lunch and another cafe for cake. Not gonna lie, the food here is pretty good. Particularly the cakes. I had to continually refuse their offers of more food, saying I was already bursting at the seams, and they said I shouldn't worry about getting fat because I was far too young. They clearly didn't grow up in Australia.

Yesterday I was keen to ride but G was out n about all day doing whatever she was doing, so I didn't get a chance. I don't mind the quieter days, though, she is so energetic and offering me to go here n there I always seem to have things to do. I like having a few extra minutes to have morning cuddles with No Name - I WILL get G to do the same just once before I leave. She didn't even know the cat liked to cuddle until I sat down with it!

It has started snowing again, albeit lightly. I woke to a fresh covering of snow everywhere and instantly everything was beautiful again. No more of this "mud" business. Let the Bandaid heal the world :)

G has gone off for potentially the whole weekend to have her eyes checked, so I'm chief animal girl again. No problemo, I am all over this shit now!

Oh oh oh, and I finally found out how much I get back from tax and it was just what I expected!! Several hundred pounds, just what I need for South America, now that's booked! Maybe that will drag me just above the poverty line then...

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