Tuesday 4 January 2011

It's a Buddhist retreat and I'll cry if I want to

Over four nights, I was absorbed in this little piece of the Buddhist world at the Prague retreat, and at times it was a rollercoaster of emotion. The unbalanced act my mind had been playing in the weeks beforehand came to the front and sometimes I just burst into tears while I was talking to T and M. They being the wonderful people that they are made me feel totally loved and encouraged me to feel emotions that I have spent my life supressing.

I think a lot of it came from missing home - I always do around this time of year - and with that the feeling of belonging, of closeness and of true connection with people. The people I met at the course all had such amazing energy and it was truly inspirational to see such a gathering so devoted to bettering themselves for the world around them. If only we could all live in such harmony.

Of course, Buddhists are never ones to play up to stereotypes so while I was thinking they would spend NYE in lotus position humming mantras to themselves, I was gladly, oh so gladly, proven wrong.

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