Sunday 9 January 2011

This is how the Austrians make party

Last night was my first Saturday night in Austria and so it was only fitting that it was the first time we properly socialised with the locals. G's husband W took us along to an Austrian fundraising party for the local football club, and just as we were worried we'd stick out because we were wearing different clothes, we saw it was actually fancy dress!! Totally missed that memo. We were the only ones not dressed up, which made us stick out even more but was pretty funny because it's not often so many people get into a themed party like that.

Old, young, they were TV stars, superheroes, a giant strawberry (my favourite), witches, clowns... you name it. There was a deliciously 80s cover band playing all the hits - Ghetto Superstar, a bit of Shakira, Tina Turner - and we danced up a storm. Especially to the traditional Austrian music. At one stage we were roped into a conga line around the whole restaurant. Good times.

I made friends with some younger people and they invited me to their gig in February, which should be cool. It will be nice to hang out with some people my own age, I don't know when the next helpers will come and the American girls are leaving on Tuesday morning :(

Drinks were bought left, right and centre, and before we knew it we were a little drunk. And it was 4am. We eventually fell into bed about 4:30, just 1.5 hours before our alarms would ring to feed the animals. Heavy.

We just got up, worked as fast as we could trying not to make any mistakes, and collapsed into bed straight after. Funnily enough, my state made me care less about potentially being attacked by a camel and now I am more confident being with them alone. Go figure! K couldn't sleep so she thankfully did the final bits of work while we slept until midday. God, it was good.

G came home in the afternoon and then we had dinner at her mum's house, which is the house we stay in. She has the cutest little shitzu dog, it runs around like crazy and its tongue is always poking out just a little. Cuteness plus.

During dinner I faded fast and now I'm literally just staying awake to water the horses then caput. I am out.

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