Saturday 8 January 2011

Extreme sledding - one way to learn!

The funnest part of my day came at the very end, when we were just about to retire to bed. A worker from the factory at the farm (it makes elastics) came with his girlfriend to check on some pipes and then asked us three if we wanted to come sledding. "Now?? Are you serious?" Was my reaction - it being about 8:30pm n all.

They said sure, let's go, so we pulled out the ancient sleds from the barn and trudged up the hill out the back. Turns out this property goes a fair way back there. The snow reflected a good deal of light but it was a pretty cloudy night, so the moon wasn't giving us much help. Probably a good thing that I didn't see the bumps n lumps anyway - blind ignorance is best sometimes.

As most Australians would agree, I have no experience whatsoever with sledding (except maybe down a mud hill or a plastic waterslide in the backyard when I was 5), so I just basically got on and went for it. I did one decent run, but the others were pretty dismal. I was ass over tits for the good majority of it all. I expect some tasty bruises in the next few days. But that was still pretty damn entertaining!!

The American girls were also equally as uncoordinated, although we did get a couple of good runs in. I was soaked through my 3 pairs of pants and gloves but it was so much fun. Except at the end when we kinda broke one of the sleds. Oops. I hope G doesn't get angry because I think they're quite old... Damn my fat ass!

Everything else went great, considering it was the first day G was away having her operation and there were no hiccups. One of the ladies from the factory came to help with the camels, she spoke no English but I managed to communicate enough with her. She was only needed here half an hour so that was good - even then it was just a couple of camels that she really needed to be there to help with. I got this.

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