Monday 24 January 2011

Rio here I come... a couple days early!

A couple inches of snow fell last night, waking me to a fresh powdery covering of all things outdoors. It was still snowing when I went to the animals, which meant this time I couldn't see the stars (can you believe that? I actually see the stars I start so early in the morning!!) but it was lovely working in the light snow - when it wasn't fallen into my eyeball.

One of the factory workers' girlfriend R was at the farm and G being G put her straight to work - I was told she was "here to help" so I rearranged my schedule to give her some of the less scary, camel-related tasks to do. Turned out she was given some tasks of her own by G so I had a little help from her with the horse stables at the end, but since she's not used to doing it, I did about 7 in the time she did 3. But I am thankful I got to do 3 less!

She speaks Spanish as well, so I was asking her lots of questions about the language and the 6 months she spent in South America. She didn't know anything before she went and within a month was confident on the phone, so there is hope for me yet!

On a sadder note, I have officially started biting my nails again. Before today, I was biting them to a shorter length because I can't have long nails in this environment, but now, sitting at this laptop (damn you laptop!), I have bitten a few down to the ends. Sob sob...

Today I went with G's husband W to one of the factories they run for handicapped people (apparently they have 3), where they give simple tasks with their elastics so these people have something to do and I guess earn some money. I walked past a showroom with some of the things they made and I was really impressed! If I had the cash and the bag space, I would've bought a tonne of stuf from that selection!

Afterwards, we stopped in a pub for a tea (for W) and beer (for me). I don't often drink alcohol here so when I do, I always get drowsy and a little spacey. More so than usual I mean :P

My travel agent - bless her second trimester pregnant belly - stuffed something up with my booking and has had to move my flight forward a couple of days to Rio. This means I need to reorganise my flight from Vienna to London, and arrange some accommodation in Rio for those extra days - all of which she says Flight Centre will cover. Which is good, because there really isn't any other option here.

It means I'm in Rio from March 1, more crazy carnival life to experience and maybe some more chances to get mugged. Cross those fingers now!

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