Thursday 6 January 2011

Spotty horse time

Another day down and it's getting harder to wake up in the morning. Me bones are freezin up and the dodgy wrists are rearing their wristy little heads again. Ahh, to be young again. On the plus side, I have been asked to do less of the menial work and focus instead on the feeding and more important tasks, probably because when I alone I will have to do it all and she doesn't want to scare me too much!

We rode again, me on bucking Barack once more but this time he was very well behaved. I also rode my favourite (but I'm bias) leopard horse which is not Appaloosa but still beautiful. He is only 4 or 5 so not trained much but he is very sensitive and good to ride.

This night we went for a real Austrian experience at a restaurant called heuregen in the wachau, which means wine of the first year. It is a traditional custom of Austria which sees vineyards open their doors as a restaurant for a few weeks of the year, serving cold food like cheese, bread, meats and spreads along with wine from their own vineyard.

Nowadays it's a custom reserved for tourists but G has friends who told her about one opening now, in winter, so we went along and had a nice night out. The couple we went with were really lovely, the husband was the mayor of the little village and the wife was very good in English and keen to talk. Us girls scoffed our faces and finished the plate, then tried not to fall asleep on the drive home.

At home, G asked us to water the horses just as we were dreaming of bed and we dragged our feet to the water trough... she got the picture and said we could go to bed instead. This time I slept before my head hit the pillow.

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