Thursday 31 March 2011

Iguazu`s new dancing queen??

Just a quickie... the French hottie that works here said he thinks I may be able to get a job dancing for Cuba Libre (the biggest club in town), so we are going to ask next time we go. That would be super sweet, a bit of extra cash, some good exercise and muscle building, and of course fame and fortune... my ultimate desire haha...

Where`s my beer???

Another barely legal

Another night at Cuba Libre, another random adventure. I have befriended these classic guys from England and Australia, and last night they came back from dinner in town all loose n ready to party. So I chugged a few cervezas (beers) down and then someone made the call to vamos to Cuba Libre. 3 taxis full of us careered into the centre, and I again waltzed past the bouncer not paying a cent.

Soon enuf, I was up on the podium again doin my thang and scouring the audience for some decent faces. I had no luck earlier at the hostel with the worker I was hoping for, who I`d been told had a thing for me (lies, all lies!!) so I was wanting some action to soothe my bruised ego.

I won`t lie, it was pretty slim pickings this night and most of the guys around me thought they`d play hard to get (NOT into that) but eventually I found a cool cat who was into it. After a kiss and some classically good Argentinian dancing (makes me swoon), I just wanted to get out of there and once he successfully answered the obligitory questions of a) do you live nearby? b) do you live with your family? we headed off to his place.

While at his place, I stupidly asked how old he was and almost laughed out loud when he said 20. Also thought he wasn`t as cute as originally picked in the club, but he had a good body. Wrapping things up, though, it was a pretty unmemorable experience and once I found a reason to get out of there (his cousin arrived "unexpectedly" hmmmm), I realised the best part about it was that it was done entirely in Spanish. Sweet. It`s all about progress.

I left quickly to do the walk of shame home in my little black dress, even stopping to eat a random icecream from some corner shop open for some weird reason (can never find a shop open at midday, but 7am? No problem!!). At one stage a car was following me, but I just shouted in Spanish "fuck off!" and he went away. Luckily. Could have turned the other way, to be honest. I fell into bed without my phone, thinking I would just rely on my roomie to get up and wake me up in time for work. Didn`t realise he had the day off.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Cheap massages make me smile

Yesterday, after one of my most lengthy sleeps since arriving here, I was my most tired. Grumpy and tired. I could barely keep my eyes open, and arriving "2 hours early" was actually me arriving 4 hours late. Yep, I actually started at 9am that day. Oops.

So that meant I was working until 10pm again to make up my time, but no one really cared that much. We were that slow... it only was a shame cos I had a couple of things to do which I could no longer do... namely sunbake (it was raining anyway) and do some shit on the internet. And it also meant I missed a whole day working with mi favoritito C... sooooo cute!!

I forgot to mention the other morning, post-hammock activity, that I found a wallet with 150 pesos (about $40) in it, a condom and a business card. I threw it behind the desk and grabbed my bag to go home, wanting to sort it out when I got in the next day. But when I got in I asked P and he said he´d checked that girl out that morning so she wouldn´t be coming back for it. Sweet! Mucho dinero para yo!

First I wanted to spend the money on a horseride but I have since found out the place down the road doesn´t operate anymore, or something, so I am fixated on finding out about tattoo prices in the centre. I tried to go today and failed miserably... every place I went to was closed. Sometimes I hate this fucking place.

Came into work today (my day off) and it was raining still, the internet wasn´t working, the kitchen wouldn´t slip me a free meal and the one I paid for was more than I wanted to pay (but to be fair, still only about $2.50) and I was in a shitty mood. So I am glad I had a massage booked. Man, that was good. Seriously one of the best massages I have had in a while. And she wouldn´t take more than $10. Definitely not the last I will be having here. Dancing at the club the other day really put stress on my thigh muscles. And it´s not like I will stop dancing anytime soon.

Monday 28 March 2011

Settling into local life

The rains are here. Like only a tropical town can offer, they come in waves of terrential downpour then stop completely, shine intense sun then arrive again amid spotted clouds. Today is the first day it has been consistent, and surprise surprise it is the only day I have woken up without a hangover ready to get some sun on my back. Shit life.

I have settled into life here, still desperately trying to get a handle of my Spanish (so impatient, just want to know it NOW) but living down the road gives me a taste of local life. I often share the bus with a crowd of schoolkids or just older locals, who obviously all speak Spanish, so it´s really cool. I just stare out the window at all the things going on, and thank myself I am not surrounded by English-speaking backpackers 24/7. Though sometimes it comes close.

Hot Mankurian from the hammock decided to head to Bolivia (maybe I was shit in the sack? haha) so I am turning my attentions back onto some key staff members here. 2 of the cutest I found out yesterday were brothers (GOOD breeding stock there!!) and they live together without their parents so that could be tricky to manouver. One I kissed the night before I started working here but since I found out he has a gf, the other I would go for but don´t want to first to find out.

Then there is C.... sigh. He is the super religious one that has vowed chastity until marriage, and who I THOUGHT was 28 but actually is 18. Eek. But he is still my favourite, sooo gorgeous and nice and interested in me but... sigh, who knows. The main problem is with shift times and lack of transport etc. We will just have to see how things develop. He owes me a kiss though. Can´t remember why but I remember he just does.

Sunday 27 March 2011

Hot in a hammock

If you`ve never scored in a hammock, I strongly suggest you give it a try. Last night was definitely a winner in the shag stakes, and we even managed to pull it off with about 20 Israelis going buck-wild in the pool behind us. Lucky it was about 4am and there were no lights on.

The person in question was a very cute Englishman who turned out to play lead guitar in his band back home (somehow I magnetise towards these people)... so yes, I am still wondering how I managed to score him. Yes, there was alcohol involved but still, back in London people like him just do not look twice at me. Oh well, I ain´t complaining!! I´m sure it won´t be the first time I say, "When in Iguazu..."

It started when I reacted really embarrassingly to him standing at the bar, not expecting such a good-looking guy to be there, and then me admitting that story to him while blushing immensely... a short tango lesson later and I was (somehow) in.

Today I have spoken to him a little but not much, get the distinct feeling it was a one-night-only show... a bummer as he was certainly blessed with more than just good looks. Holy hell. He actually originally asked me about working here but funnily enuf is questioning it today... should I be offended??

Ridin´ with the (drunk) po-po

When I realised my previous hook-up from the hostel was most likely getting it on with another worker here (don´t blame him, she is tidy), while I was waiting in the TV room trying to sleep, I gave up and walked out to make the trek home by myself at 5:30am. Boo. But surprise, surprise I was joined by the hostel girl who mysteriously appeared from the dark when I walked out, and came home too.

Walking home, I refrained from making any reference to how long she´d spent in the "toilet", choosing instead to not care and just enjoy the beautiful lightening firing up the sky in the early hours of the morning. C`est la vie, or whatever.

Now that it was Friday, I was pumped to go out again. Friday nights seem to be the biggies here, so after the initial afternoon wall-hitting, I was ready to roll. A few drinks here and we managed to get 4 taxis worth of guests and workers into the centre to go to Cuba Libre. Another random night to be had...

In the club, I did some more podium dancing but mostly danced on the floor, really feeling like picking up a girl but instead ending up with a feminine-looking Argentinian cutie that could really dance. TURN ON. After a while I was just wanting to leave to his house, as the amount of sweat I`d exuded was actually becoming ridiculous, but he kept babbling some reason why we couldn´t. Do you have a girlfriend? No. Do you live with your parents? No. Then what´s the fucking issue?? Damn my shitty Spanish.

I pulled J, the English guy who works here with me and who has been here for several months, over to ask him what was wrong, and I found out he didn´t have a girlfriend, he had TWO. I am out.

After that, the club lost a large amount of its already dwindling appeal and I convinced J to leave. The tourists had largely left and it was just horny locals I was sick of trying to run away from.

What happened next was definitely one of the most random things to happen in this crazy border town yet. A carful of cops said they would give me a ride home in their cop truck so I jumped in, careful not to sit in the middle as they asked, and found myself accepting a sip of their cocktail as they passed it around. So many things wrong with this picture I can´t even begin.

They stopped at the police station just down from my house, clearly wanting me to stick around, but I bailed quickly and walked home, palming them off when they drove after me and asked me back. Weirdos. It was around this point I realised I had to paid one cent the whole night since the club. No entry (cos I work here), no drinks (cos guys bought me some after I danced on the podium) and no taxi home. Boom.

The next morning I woke with the thought, "but why???" running through my head. Seriously. Why would I think the cop car is the safest to go home in?? If they did something to me, who would I have turned to? Fucking idiot. Don`t try this at home, kids.

Friday 25 March 2011

Too much effort

Pretty sure aforementioned carrot-dangler is now off getting it on with one of the other girls from the hostel. Well, I kinda palmed him off tonight anyway so I am not surprised. Another hot-blooded man.

He was the same tonight... no, no, I can´t act interested but I do like you, blah blah blah... sick of it. Too much wasted effort. Going to shift my focus now. I think I have become a sex addict. When I told him we should just have sex, hmmm maybe often, he said he thought I was addicted and that he could go months without even wanting it (shit). The case may be so, but dammit, once I have a taste...

Sooo.... I have a few other options. As I have said, this place is not short of cuties and I have even shifted guys I would normally go for down the priority list because of that. Too funny. Just a shame they are all about 22 years old. And that I am no longer really interested in the guests... too entrenched in the work world.

Tomorrow it is Friday, well technically it´s today, but that is traditionally (traditionally being what we did last week) the big club night so I am looking forward to another cuuuurrrraaaazzzyyy time. Maybe. We´ll see...

I am now in the hostel at some early hour of the morning, we are watching TV/sleeping in the TV room I didn´t really honestly know existed until now. Getting eaten alive by mosquitoes but oh well. Really can´t be fucked to walk back home. Another sweaty night with the same clothes on. And I wonder why I am not picking up every night.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Dangling carrots

This place is swarming with Aussies, English and Israelis. Add some Danish, Americans and Scandinavians, and you have a pretty good dipping into the gene pool of godlikeness. Seriously, each day it is TEEMING with talent, walking in the door every minute, it´s all I can do to stop myself jumping over the counter and banging every one before they get their room key. Sigh. Self control is a bitch.

So I think I have started to understand the dynamic of the workplace here... and am slowly seeing which group I will be hanging with most. Of course it includes the only other foreigners that work here, and a few locals... seems many of the workers don´t want to stay up, drink beer, play pool and watch the talent swim by every night. But no matter what happens, by finish of shift I am ready to roll.

Today there were some complications with the kitchen and again I had to deal with aggresive Israeli people. Seriously, that is one culture I am learning to really dislike. And I really don´t like piling one whole country into one basket, but pretty much all the angry or rude customers I have had are Israeli. Such a shame because so many are really beautiful... dark olive skin, long eyelashes, irrestistible smiles... shame.

On my hook-up front, things have stalled with T as he is super paranoid about people knowing we are hooking up and we are ALWAYS around staff so there isn´t really any opportunity to do anything. Dangle the FUCKING carrot, why don´t you. Great, now I look behind me and they´ve all left. Thanks for telling me, guys. Fucking men.

Dodgy Paraguay

A quick post today, as I`ve not much time before I start work and really, not a lot has happened that would warrant blog mentions. I went to the 3 Frontiers, basically just a lookout next to a bus stop and a few measly, tacky market stalls that lets you see Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil meet on the river. Pretty cool to think there are 3 countries virtually within reach, but once me and my American friends saw it, that was it. So... lunch??

The weather has turned a little in the last couple of days, still hot of course but a bit more sticky cos of humidity and a little rain. So I haven`t gotten much more sun but still have my tan, phew!! Long way to go though...

The Americans hopped across the border to Paraguay after the frontiers but I didn`t have my passport with me, so I bailed and got a local phone card instead. Luckily, though, since they bought a new camera lens (not a cheap one!!) and then found out later they`d been overcharged. M went back to argue with them the next day - major mission - and ended up only getting half the amount he was overcharged back. Must be careful when I go to get a camera! But the staff are organising a trip there to buy some shit (electronics are super cheap there) so it will be much better with locals.

Anyway, must run, I am hungry and need to sort myself out before work!!

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Tragedy at Iguazu Falls

Some bad news hit our desks yesterday that turned the mood a little somber. Reports surfaced that one of the speedboats - the same one I had ridden in just a few days earlier - had gotten too close to the waterfalls and gotten sucked in after hitting some rocks, capsizing and throwing all its passengers out in the process. Two people were killed and several more were missing... updates now tell me the others were all found alive but injured.

I must admit, when I was on the boat I wasn`t scared at all, but when I think about it, the water is so powerful and we get so close to the actual falls that it is entirely possible something like this could happen. No amount of driving experience could match the force of that river.

We aren´t sure if the victims were staying at this hostel - entirely possible - but until we know, I am trying not to think about it. So so sad.

Other than that, yesterday included a pretty hideous start to the day after just 3 hours sleep. I had stumbled in to my room at the staff house, the first time I had been there the same time as my roomie, and the poor darling had to wake up and set his alarm for me to wake up as I had left mine in the hostel.

After work, I sat by the pool and tried to sleep before surrendering to the insects crawling through the grass, and bailing to the guys´ staff dorm at the hostel. Then dinner and drinks with the staff were organising and we headed to my house. Was so glad we were there this time instead of the hostel so I could just fall asleep afterwards... and oh, how I needed the sleep. Soooooooooooo tired.

Just a side note on the staff here. So funny... they are all local except for me, a British guy working here until he gets a new passport (his was nicked in Buenos Aires) and a French guy who is quite hot but soooo French. Freely admits he doesn`t like speaking English or really anyone who does... haha... but he is a nice guy really, cocky and self-assured but a good guy. The others speak varying degrees of English but mostly speak in Spanish which is good, as I am learning more every day. Yay!

Today is my day off so I used the opportunity to go to the 3 Frontiers, basically just a bus stop near the edge of the river that has 3 pillars for Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. Cool thing to see but not much else. I went there with a couple of American guys from the hostel - one which had done pretty much the same route as me since Eastern Europe last year!! - then got a local SIM card and back to the hostel for some down time.

Monday 21 March 2011

The impenetrable gay force

Just a few days into work and I already feel like I have been here a month. I woke up a few hours before work started in the afternoon and used the opportunity to lounge by the massive pool under another faultless sky and get some rays. After having stared jealously out the doors of the bar for a few days now (sans the tropical rainstorm the first day of my work), it was my time to shine. Boom.

Work was good, again, and I kept learning more Spanish. This is gonna be great guns for my bilingual efforts!! Dammit, I will return with additional tongue capibilities!!

Afterwards, a couple of the workers were keen to get on it, and despite starting at 9am the next day, I agreed. A few beers, a topless swim and a good old dance later, and we were en route to Cuba Libre again. I convinced an Asian-looking Aussie guy to come, and had a few others from the hostel including some guests. My recent hook-up, which I now realised would be a repeat performance due to ability to keep a secret (wonder how long that would last), didn`t want to come but I wanted to hang out with my new gay best friend P that works here. Such a darling!!

We had a good dance at the club, but it was hardly full compared to our Friday night visit, and after a couple of titty tequila shots, me and aforementioned gay friend admitted we were drunk and called it quits. One guest, an American girl, had caused a fuss when P refused to give into her come-ons, making him frustrated and me kinda laugh that she wouldn`t believe he was gay. And I mean gay. Ha! Such a difference to my experiences n gay clubs in Rio... couldn`t fight them off quicker!

As we were walking to the further cab rank to get a cheaper fare, the American girl stormed off back up the hill and the Aussie guy ran after her. That was not unusual, considering that after he´d given me a crack and got turned down (felt like he was just doing it cos I wasn`t wearing underwear and had a tongue ring - his admittance) and the girl had had the same happen with the gay guy. Also, he kinda annoyed me by not really socialising and making me feel like I had to babysit him... so we waited until we grew too impatient and I remembered I had to work early the next day, and I got a cab back. "A la cementario" was all I said to the driver. I think.

Hot monkey skatey man

Imagine waking up next to a girl you had just met, in a hotel room she had paid for for two hours (possibly more now that I had passed out) and who you couldn`t really understand and who didn`t speak a lick of English. And not knowing where the staff house was you had just moved your things into. A trifle of a pickle.

Once we had established that I only knew my house was "cerca de cementario" (near the cementary or something similar), we jumped in a taxi and drove about 2 blocks to the cementary. Could have walked there. After a failed attempt to get into a house that was indeed not mine, I found my place and got in. Getting into my room, however, was a little more difficult considering the lock stuck. So I climbed in the window and passed out for a few more hours before work.

Just then, I remembered I may have actually just repeated myself with that part of the story - sorry about that, I will blame it on the South American weed. Damn you, you tasty little morsel.

So where was I... OK, so off to "work", a word I bandy around here n there when I think I am actually doing something worthwhile or making an ounce of difference here with my presence. Still, I will maintain I have a proper job and I improve lives.

Am still really enjoying becoming friends with everyone that works here and also the people staying... it`s a good bunch and they are largely quite attractive so added to the already priming pool of talent in my workforce, I am one happy chappy.

After work, we had planned to go into town again but then decided it wasn`t gonna be the same as the previous night and we were a little tired so we opted to stay drinking by the pool. I had made friends with a cool English couple so I chilled with them, sampled the local produce un poco BUT most importantly, kissed my favourite boy that works behind the bar with me. He is so sweet and a bit reserved (well, compared to me anyway!!) and that is probably why I like him so much.

So I was excited about that, and that got me pumped for a couple more drinks. Then I saw a cute Argentinian boy with a lip ring and I was momentarily distracted. My game plan, I developed, was that I would spend my time getting the other guy at the bar and have possibly a more drawn-out affair with him. And this guy I could just get out of my system.

And that I did. A big, ol` system cleansin`.... Muy bien. I am certainly finding all the nooks n crannies of this hostel to enjoy myself. haha... skankarama!!! This guy is only 22, as most people here are, but he is sweet and cute. Kinda a skatey Argentinian... a little monkeyish but hey, monkeys are cute. I would certainly feed this one a banana. Or something.

We kept it on the downlow cos of office politics etc, also because he intists the guy I thought was gay that lives in his staff dorm is in love with me. Also, I didn`t want my bar guy to find out. Gotta keep the peace. But I did tell T about the other guy, just so if something did develop with him, I wouldn`t have to break his heart. Or something.

So there you have it. Another night spent away from my actual house, this time in a spare bed in T`s dorm... and work the next afternoon in the same clothes sans underwear due to lack of supplies at hand. Repitir... skankarama!!

Sunday 20 March 2011

2-Hour Hotel Rooms

So these last two days have been a bit of a sun-soaked, Spanish blur... but in a super good way. My first day on the job had me starting at 10, which meant crawling my hung body out of the temporary dorm I was shoved in last minute the night before (forgot to even put sheets on the bed!!) with a swimming head trying to absorb all the information I was being told about what to do etc. Just breathe.

The day got better for me as I became more human, and every person I met that worked or stayed at the hostel was really cool. I love meeting new people so I can tell this will be the perfect environment for me. Just maybe a little dangerous for my liver.

The staff live either at the hostel in a staff dorm or down the road a few kms in the staff house, but they often hang out before or after their shifts cos, well, they aren`t really spoilt for choice for activities outside the waterfalls around here. So there are always people to talk to, and often people I serve at the bar will stay there and talk to me, so I am making friends at lightening speed.

The work is super easy, just serving drinks and taking food orders... I learnt all I needed to know in the first few minutes! But my favourite part is my workmate... as with most of the people here, he is a beautiful Argentinian BUT the nicest guy and quite reserved in terms of flirting so a bit of a challenge for me. Does he like me?? We shall see...

After my shift finished, I got stuck into the beers and when the others finished at 10pm-ish, I grabbed my luggage and jumped on the bus to the staff house, where I had finally been assigned a more permanent bed. Woot! I am rooming in a house with 4 rooms, couple of beds in each, and my sweet roomie does not speak a lick of English. So that will be good for my Spanish! So far, however, we havent`t actually SHARED the room as I have partied a little since entering the household... ahem.

As soon as I dropped my luggage, I saw the others were changing their clothes and they asked if I was coming. Coming where? Cuba Libre, of course! Sweetness in a jar.

We first went to another hostel to drink in town and then to this club, which was pretty rammed... they open quite late here, hours about 1 - 6am, and everyone was dancing. But FUCK ME it was hot!! I was sweating balls. Had a good boogie with the guys from my hostel then saw a bunch more arrive with some guests, and it was on. Boom boom BOOM.

The music was mostly reggaeton so I was in heaven, and when it came to the podium, well I can just quietly say I rocked that shit fo shizzle. Actually had a crowd of people cheering and chanting my name (god knows how they knew it, maybe it was just my friends haha). My inner stripper really came out with that pole, I never knew I had it in me! haha... Must be all that "research" I have done in stripclubs...

At one point I saw a cute but super young guy who I kissed then bailed on, after I found out he was just 18! Oops. Then a girl from Buenos Aires came along, translating through my hostel workmate worked out she wanted to take me to a hotel and I agreed. Meh, she was hot, I was up for it, she said she`d pay...

So this is when the weirdest part of the night comes along... we get in a taxi and go to a hotel in the middle of nowhere down some dirt road, that has rooms you can get for 2 hours if you want. Whaaaaaaaat... weird. I was in a drunken daze by this stage (at this point you`re thinking "this girl is a FOOL, why does she get herself into these situations") but all was good. Apparently these hotels exist here cos most people live with their parents and need somewhere to hook up with people haha...

Had some fun, but was sooo tired and eventually she let me pass out. Woke up at about 10:30am with new idea if it was day or night due to pulled blinds, and was blinded by the sunshine when I clambered out of the room. Repeated questions of "where do you live" in almost incomprehensible BA accented Spanish (mostly she just wrote on her phone and I read the Spanish from there) were meant with my answer of "no se" (I don`t know) but that I did know it was near a cementary.

Thankfully the town is so small there is only one cementary so we drove what ended up being just 2 blocks away (could have walked!) and I was dropped off near the cementary. After a failed try to get into "my" house and being met by a confused young guy who clearly wasn`t my roommate, I finally found the house I was staying in and got in. Had to climb through the window cos the key to my room was sticking, and still had no bedsheets but didn`t care. SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP.

Friday 18 March 2011

Celebrating new jobs

Woke up with hair smelling of wet dog - and still wet - and sorted my shit out by checkout time, somehow. Actually didn´t feel that bad. Surprisingly. I waited around the reception for the manager to ask about work, as I had mentioned it to a girl behind the desk and she said it was possible. There was no rush as the girls wanted to get a late bus to Buenos Aires, so I had time to figure out if I was staying of going with them.

Eventually, the manager came and the conversation went as followed: "Hi, I hear you want a job." "Yes." "OK." And there it was. I was a working girl once again. No questions about my experience, languages, etc etc... I have to work 6 days a week, 8 hours a day (but it is SO chilled out), will work the bar and get paid a little as well as put up with the staff and fed while I work... oh, and get staff discounts for everything here. Like half price. Sorted.

This now means I get a month or so - whatever I want - to chill out at this amazing hostel that has so many cool people working there and coming through the doors. I will make so many new friends, hear from good travel stories, get some good advice, maybe meet someone to travel onto the next place with... and neutralise my budget!! After a month here, I will be in a much better position to continue traveling. I plan on getting to Patagonia at some stage and I hear that can be expensive so this is definitely a good thing.

To celebrate (or maybe just because), I got drunk again that night. After I saw off the girls and their new English friend from the previous night on the bus to Buenos Aires, I spotted a kinda black guy and started talking with him. Well, turns out he is Aussie which is a bummer but he was cool anyway. He wasn`t even staying at the hostel, just heard it was the place to be! His mates came along a bit later and we all drank and ate together.

I was thinking the whole time, hmmm he`s cute and fun to be around, but he`s Aussie so no chance there... But, as it turns out, there was indeed interest and we eventually hooked up. Nice one. But it was a chilled affair, nothing too passionate or over-the-top, kinda nice. I got his details when he left but who knows if I will ever speak to him again...

Got walked to the door by the must-be-gay-but-feel-he-is-making-a-pass guy who works in the kitchen, and heard a faint knock 5 minutes later when I was about to get into bed. "You sure you don`t wanna come out with us?" (in super fast gay Spanish)... no, my dear, I start work at 10 and I am drunk enuf!

Falls, hostel resorts and Beer Pong

I`m not quite sure how many days I have been at this new hostel but I can safely say it`s been an eventful period of my life. Firstly, after one night down the road from the girls at Marcopolo Suites, I met them at Hostel Inn (the most popular hostel in Foz Iguazu - I wonder why, with a massive swimming pool, late opening outdoor bar, nightly activities, revolving door of backpackers, 200 plus beds... - and we slowly (that is the only speed to go in this weather) made our way to the falls to see them from the Argentinian side.

Again, it was breathtaking. Only this side it was breathtaking from inside a speedboat screaming into the actual waterfalls. Insane. There was a fair amount of faffing around again, and time ran away with us to the point that we didn`t get the train to the other end of the national park and just bailed in time for the park to close.

OMG, I saw raccoons!! If anyone has ever seen these creatures, they would know how funny they are... seriously, like a cartoon character. Although, to be fair, most of Australia`s native animals are the same. Including me.

So, sweating and panting, we made it back to the hostel and I waited til the sky was going down before walking down the road to retreive my bag from the other hostel and join the girls at the big resort one. Although I didn`t get roomed with them I was not far, and had a bunch of Germans in with me. A bunch being just a few, as these rooms are actually quite small for dorms and all have bathrooms that just 2 rooms share. All in all, pretty impressive hostels.

That night was epic. We befriended a mixed group of Americans, Australians and English, and ended up having an unexpected random piss-up that involved drinking games and one English girl going buck-wild getting naked trying to distract the guys from winning Beer Pong. It didn`t work but it was certainly entertaining.

Fast forward into the night and we were in the pool, I had by this time lost my bikini top (lost meaning... uh, thrown off) and was on the shoulders of one English guy who I made think had thrown me and my rastas into the water. I waited til the next day to tell him I had already wet them before he came along haha... oh, he had felt so bad!!

Spotted a cute but ultimately young Argentinian who I just had to kiss... scared the SHIT out of the poor little tucker but still got to kiss him. And woot woot, Argentinians have turned out to be better than Brazilians at kissing... hot Argentinian from Rio an exception, I had to teach him a little... Taught the others the "only" way to do Tequila shots and the party continued.

Stumbled into my room and passed out still half wet about 4:30am, don`t know how that happened... but had to wake in time for checkout the next day... smart move.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

In amongst the waterfalls

Waterfall time. I woke to chatter in the common area of my hostel... some snippets of English here n there. Maybe I will find a buddy to see this water display. Ended up talking with the girls I met briefly checking in the night before, and ended up going together with them to the falls.

This is the first really touristy thing I have done in South America (besides Carnaval, but that wasn´t too expensive in the end) so I knew I would go over budget. Am working out a new budget tonight. Anyway, we paid to get into the national park and got a nice touristy double decker to the falls.

We were told the Brazilian side of the falls - literally, the river is divided in two with the Argentina and Brazilian sides (the town itself borders 3 countries including Paraguay) - was more restricted in the boat rides than Argentina so we kept to the boardwalks. First lookout I thought quietly to myself... hmmm, this is alright... but actually thinking the view of the blue-eyed (yay for the blue eyes of the south), olive-skinned Brazilian selling abseiling was mildly more entertaining. You can sail my rocks any day, boy.

About this time, I got a tap on my shoulder and English boy from yesterday said a bright hello! So with my posse of 3 in tow, we moved on to the next lookout, and the next, and the next... all the while sweating up a storm and posing for photo after photo. I must get those email addresses for those photos... The butterflies were the tamest I had ever come across, which is awesome becuase at one time I had 2 licking the sunscreen/sweat combo off my arm (that would´ve been a treat for them, probably actually poisonous) and we got some nice pics of that too.

Then came the finale... da da DAAAA!!! There was the boardwalk, leading out almost INTO the falls with mist falling at a deceivingly rapid pace on all the tourists. L had said to me, "Oooh, let´s go there, I want to get some mist on me." Several minutes later, her hair dripping and eyes almost slits trying to keep sunscreen from seeping in, I asked her, "Misty enuf??" It was a quick snap-and-hide mission for all cameras too, for fear of ruining them in the wetness.

We came out, soaked but happy we were no longer drenched in sweat, and headed out of the national park. Having faffed around probably more than necessary - but enjoyed ourselves doing it! - we had missed the opportunity to go to the bird park where apparently you could have a toucan put on your arm for a photo, we jumped on the bus and fought off sun-induced sleep so we wouldn´t miss our stop. Still, I ran out and didn´t have time to ask J for his email. Bummer! Hope we run into him at the Argentinian side of the falls tomorrow...

I wanted to leave the hostel in Brazil tonight instead of tomorrow as it would be much cheaper to split the cab cost across the border to Argentina than get a bus - with a bus, although it´s cheaper, you need to get off at every checkpoint and therefore wait for another bus after your passport is stamped. So I gingerly asked my hostel for a refund and a day-early checkout, and surprisingly the same awesome lady that changed my original stuff-up around without dramas said it was not a problem. Woot woot! First and probably last time that will happen in my life, I reckon.

We got across the border without dramas - it was just 15 mins away - but when we got the girls´ pre-booked hostel there was absolutely no room for me so I went to the hostel down the road and found a room. Plan to meet the girls tomorrow to check out the Argentinian side of the falls. Maybe convince myself it´s not a waste of money to get the rapido boat ride into the actual falls... ahh fuck it, I´ll just do it. Now... to get some bloody sleep... have to make the most of this free internet but I am so tired. The sun has DRAINED me.

Oh, and in the meantime, I have found some CS accommodation in Uruguay and already have some parties to go to on the weekend... just gotta find a way to get there!

Enter Foz do Iguacu

The thing I hate most about traveling - and traveling alone, at that - is getting to airports. Besides the fact my backpack is ridiculously heavy, I always have the worst fears that I will miss my flight and waste all that money, as well as having to find another way to get wherever I was going. But not to fear... this time, I gave myself extra time and got there right on time. Not without waiting for a bus that never arrived and having to get a short cab ride to another airport to get a bus to my airport... don´t even ask. Bloody Rio transport.

So we are on the plane. Australian boys to my left, what I thought was a European boy on my right proved to be a tanned Englishman (quite cute, too). I got talking to them all at one point and ended up sharing a cab to town when we got in with some others... it being about 2am n all. Gotta love cheap flights. Did I mention that I was flying instead of the bus because I randomly found a ticket on sale the night before I left? Yeah. Super sweet.

So I am now in Foz do Iguacu... for those that don´t know, it is a well-known (well, to everyone besides me until 48 hours earlier) place with some amazing waterfalls - some say they pale in comparison to Niagara Falls (but that was probably a Brazilian saying that) - but I knew next to nothing about them so my expectations were not high.

The cab ride in was unsurprising... the town is not big, centred around these falls it kinda feels like east coast regional Australia in between the big towns. Or some kind of outback Casino oasis. Either way, not much to do besides the falls here methinks.

I got to my hostel, realising on the way I had booked it for the wrong night, but thankfully the lady at reception was super nice and sorted me a room anyway. Met some nice girls (Aussie and English) who were on my flight and in my room, and made loose plans with aforementioned English boy to go fall-ing the next day. I was BUGGERED but still had trouble sleeping at first... heart still beating a little irregularly from the previous night´s efforts...

Monday 14 March 2011

An epic farewell to Rio

Well, I certainly gave Rio a bloody good goodbye party!! It started at a bloco (street party) where they were playing Balkan-esque music, just down the road from the new place I am staying. I had moved my things there when I woke up in the morning, with no resistance from my host. I do believe he was thankful I was out of there - and I found out later from my new host that he had already called him to see if he could host me because I had stayed longer than planned! To start with, that wasn`t true, also to go behind my back and try to organise for me to stay somewhere else without even talking to me... childish. Soooo glad to be out of there. I knew 10 days was too much at one house, I should have gone with my gut instinct and broken it up with 2 hosts.

Anyway... on with my story. I ran into M, the fabulous gay guy who is hosting the hot Argentinian twins I have talked so glowingly about in my previous posts. This meant I also saw the hottie, but it was definitely not on for round 2. I guess he is on holidays and wants to fuck his way around the world or something haha... Well, good on him, he`s young and hot so who cares?! He was pulling the moves on some Brazilian chick (NOT hot) while I was standing next to him talking to M... meh...

So me and M decided to go out to a gay club. Again with the gay club. haha... I swooped back to the house to put some heels on (I must stop clubbing in flip flops) and spruce the ol` face up, and we were outta there! The club was quite expensive to get in but M paid for me, the darling. He even made out with me ha! He said it was the first time he` d kissed a girl in years.

We danced our asses off, I found a hot gay guy who wanted to kiss me (and he was actually a good kisser!) and bought me drinks. Yay!! I was on the podium at one stage... things get a little fuzzy... then we were back at someone`s house and I was getting it on with some people. At one point there was the closing of the bedroom door and some action inside, then some drama, then some confusion, then we decided to go to another house with a guy I was hooking up with.

Probably shouldn`t have done that. It was just me and M with him, and at one point I thought, `hmm, this guy is too into himself` and it was all a bit much, so I carted M off into a taxi back to his place. The cab ride was entertaining, the driver probably thought I was insane rambling and babbling things and yelling out the window... But we eventually got home, I think it was about 9am. TRAAAAAAAAAAAASH.

We crashed through the door of M`s house, where hottie was sleeping (alone - ha!), woke him up by being loud and obnoxious trashbags, and then promptly passed out. In the morning, hottie was gone and M was snoring away so I crept out and walked back to my house. Got home about 3pm. Think that was a pretty good effort.

Wait - aren`t you gay??

Saturday night. Boat party time.

I escaped the house as quick as possible this day, scouring the streets for an internet cafe as my host had turned into a big, bad mood bear and I was getting the distinct impression my time there had run out. So, even though I planned to stay just 2 more days in Rio, I just could not picture facing another day there. At the internet cafe I wrote a message to D, who I had met on the CS hike up the mountain the other day, and who`d said I could crash at his if things got too much at the apartment. He replied straight away saying it was fine, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

However, I couldn`t move that day because I had the boat party to go to after all! And I knew it would be a rather large night so I wouldn`t really even be sleeping in the house, just getting back at god knows when, packing my shit and leaving.

I walked to the marina for the boat party and sweated about 10kgs in the damp air. Oh man, it was hot!! So hard to look nice when you`re dripping with sweat!! But anyway... before long I had made new friends and had a few drinks bought for me. Not as many as last time, and I didn`t get on the boat for free this time (but got a discount cos I know the organiser) so I didn`t really get drunk. But that was OK. No dramas.

The boat ride was really nice, as it was last time. We drifted around the harbour, which is framed by mountains - most of which had halos of cloud, and at one point it pissed down with rain so we retreated under cover but kept dancing. The crowd was different to last time, not as crazy (I guess Carnaval is over!) and my friends that organise it said it was mostly a birthday party, and those people were a bit boring and complained about the music, being seasick, et al... And didn`t buy me many drinks. So they lost points for that.

I found out where a few of them were going afterwards, but ended up staying with the organisers (a really nice couple I met last boat party through my little posse of Brazilian beauties) and going to a gay club with them. We faffed around for what seemed like forever (but doing some important errands (particularly for South America... I, uh, hear coke is about AUD$9 for 2g) so didn`t end up actually getting into the club until after 2am... but we got in for free so I guess it wasn`t all bad haha

The strangest thing happened at the club, though... besides being pickpocketed of course. That ain`t strange for Rio! Only lost a bit of cash but it was still annoying. Anyway, the strangest thing happened... all these gay guys were grabbing me and kissing me! Gay guys! Say whhaaaa?? I went to the club thinking I would not get harrassed but it was almost worse than normal! And none of them can kiss well! What`s the deal?? But man, they had good bodies... Sweet Jesus.

Had we been wearing socks, we would`ve danced them off at this club. Good times. But then I could see V and J were fading, and I knew it was time to vamos. Got driven to my door by J because I needed to grab some cash from the house to pay him back for the drinks he bought for me in the club post-pickpocket incident. He didn`t have much change so I ended up more out of pocket than I had hoped but that`s life I guess.

When I got into the house, I laid down on the mattress and closed my eyes. And willed myself to sleep. Somehow, I managed a few hours. Then it was time to go to my new host!

Beach beauties

The next day... I wake up with my standard where-the-fuck-am-I moment before turning my head to see the beautiful Argentinian with his arm wrapped around me. Ahh, yes. That`s where I am.

We could hear M still snoring his head off in the next room so we got ourselves ready for some beach action... well, L put on his boardshorts and that was basically it. He forgot everything else... no camera, no sunscreen, no sunglasses, just a wallet. But I suppose that`s the most important part. Especially if he`s gonna be a gentleman and pay for me all day. Aww..

I scooted back a la casa to grab my Brazilian bikini and we headed to Ipanema beach. I tell you, it is much more satisfying going to the beach with a hottie on your arm... And applying sunscreen is so much more enjoyable. We got an umbrella and sat under it for hours. I had a little swim, well I waded into the knee-deep water, too afraid to go any further because of the strong waves. That bikini ain`t built for deep impact.

I am starting to feel more comfortable in the tiny piece of material that is my new bikini. And it really is an experience to be surrounded by women with so much comfort and confidence in their figures. Young and old, they strut around in Brazilian bikinis and damn, they are sexy!! A welcome change to the skinny-obsessed conscience of Australia. I embrace it.

But eventually, we tired of the sun and sand, and parted ways on the train with plans to meet up again that night. Well, that never happened. And, with the benefit of hindsight, I believe he is trying to make the most of his holiday. So good on him. Randy little fucker ;)

I spoke to hot Argentinian briefly online and he promised to call me to go out... which he didn`t. Oh well. Then his host M, a gay guy I LOVE partying with, also promised to call me. And didn`t. Not feeling the love tonight!! So I just called it a night, chilled at F`s house and I guess saved some money! haha

Sunday 13 March 2011

The Other Twin.

Today I felt the first burst of bad energy from my CS host in Rio. Not long after waking up, he finally dragged himself away from his god-loved computer games to go to the kitchen, at which point I ran over to check my emails for 30 seconds. Moments later, I hear a banging and crashing in the kitchen and I am wondering what the hell is going on. He comes screaming and ranting into the bedroom saying I didnt know how to wash up properly and he was sick of it blah blah blah... Now I can safely say I have NEVER known anyone to be so precious about washing of dishes but hell, I was trying to do it right!!

Needless to say, mid-rant he booted me off the internet - which I desperately needed to organise my next travels - and so I scooted out of the house to do some sightseeing. But first treated myself to a pedicure - cheapest ever!! - and now I have funky pearl purple nails. Mmmm tasty. For something to do, I chose the botanical gardens (Jardim Bontancao or something), and again planned to meet some other CSers but they never showed for some reason. Probably could have been useful to just bite the bullet and buy a SIM card when I first got here but hey.

The gardens were BEAUTIFUL. I took the best pics I could on my shitty camera phone, even bumped into an Austraaaaaaaaaaaaaayan from Ceeeeeeirns (Cairns for those not in the know), but for some reason I just felt weird the whole time. Really lethargic and kinda light-headed. I put it down to post-sunstroke from yesterday. Oh, did I mention I had a sunburn mark from my iPod cord right down the middle of my stomach? Yeah. Hot.

So I abandoned ship and went back to the apartment, kinda dreading what mood I would encounter when I got there. By this stage I just wanted OUT of that place. Grrr. But anyway, I hung around because there was a little time before the weekly CS meeting where I met a bunch of people the week before. And I needed a sleep to try and get my head back together.

Was kinda relieved when my host said he wasnt coming to the CS party, and I set out alone to catch up with some newly made friends. Finally found the place after walking what felt like a million miles along Copacabana beach, and ran immediately into some Aussie girls. They were nice, we had a chat until I saw HIM. The hot Argentinian. Correction. His hotter identical twin brother. Hotter because, once I started talking to him, he actually had a personality. Boom. If round 1 didnt work then I am definitely trying for round 2.

More touchy-feely than his brother, and this was a good sign, I soon got him down onto the beach mid-downpour for a quick ankle-deep wade into the water...which before long turned into an all-out, underwear affair jumping under the waves and laughing hysterically while simultaneously making out and trying to breathe underwater.

Let me clarify this for you. I am on Copacabana beach. Swimming almost naked at midnight with a HOT Argentinian boy. He pulls his lips from mine to say - in Spanish, of course - do you know that you are beautiful? - I almost melted in his arms. Dear God I could have died right then and died happy.

Anyway, so fast forward a couple of hours and I am back at the place this guy is staying. Of course we had to have a shower to clean ourselves of the sand and salt... but we wont go into that. All I can say is this guy is one of the most beautiful (to me, at least) guys I have seen in Brazil and after failing with his twin the week before (which is a good thing now I know the good twin!!), I am SO happy to have scored this coup. Mmm... so tasty.

Needless to say, my recent interactions with Argentinian boys have changed my plans to head there post-haste. I have 2 hostels in Cordoba (funnily enuf the same town the aforementioned gorgeous boy lives in) that have said I am welcome to come work there, and so I have emailed the better one to see if the offer is still there. Hopefully I will hear back with a yes!

But first I will break up the trip by visiting Foz do Iguaçu, which apparently has some amazing waterfalls you can do a boat trip through. Probably over my budget but I think I will stretch it just for this time. Hopefully I wont be spending much at the hostel so it will balance out. Hopefully...

The view from Ipanema beach...

Every bus ride in Rio...I say a little prayer

Thursday the sun finally made an appearance and I rewarded its efforts with a trip to the beach. On the way a lovely old lady tried to help me on the train, although I was pretty sure I was on the right track, telling me I was going the wrong way, then realised it was her that took the wrong train! Bless...

Originally planning to meet some CSers there, I then ran out of phone credit trying to find them at Ipanema and settled for sitting alone in the hot hot sun. It was all good though, I just plugged in the ol' iPod and settled down for a nice rest. Beer in hand, I soon plucked up the courage to beckon over one of the (many) people selling stuf on the sand, and looked at some Brazilian bikinis. After some haggling, I got the man down to a good price and BOOM, I was a Brazilian. Well, not quite, but I was getting there...

Man, those things are TINY! My ass ate it as soon as it was on... I really think there is an art to wearing them and I think I need practice. But anyway, I felt better not wearing the ǵranny pants' as they call them here haha... if only they went to Australia!!

After I felt I had been sufficiently kissed by the sun (oh, that is an understatement!), I ventured out to find the bus stop to get to a mountain with a great view of Rio. Still camera-less (damn my trashy self), I ensured I got the email addresses of some of the CSers I had met to do the climb up the mountain, so I could get them to send photos to me. The walk up was ok, me in my flip flops as per usual (I can do anything in those things!!) but at the peak, after some lush views, the skies opened and we ran under cover out of the pelting rain. I was worried about going back down the steep dirt path to the bottom but thankfully at that time, they just shepherded everyone back down on the cable car for free. Nice.

It was around dinner time then, so a few of us went to a local restaurant to have MEAT and other stuf. Good conversation, I made friends with a nice guy D (he comes into the story later) and had a few welcome beers. Afterwards, I tried my friend who had just landed in Rio but after another non-response I jumped on the bus to my apartment with a couple of the guys from dinner.


These bus drivers are mental. Actually mental. Even if they didnt laugh like maniacs as they sped passed people waving to stop at bus stations, randomly opening the doors as they swerved around traffic and turned to talk to the ticket collectors. Yep, I say a little prayer every time I board one of those journeys straight to the bowels of hell.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Bloc...o party. On my doorstep.

So they have these things called Bloco Parties during Carnaval, which basically mean street parties that go around the block with dancers, bands and a few trucks with people shouting into microphones.

Yesterday, while I was chilling at home waiting for a phone call that never came from my new little posse of Brazilian girls (who knows what happened there), I was considering my options of getting out of the house while my host played continuous games on the computer. Then I heard an increasing amount of street noise, unusual for the street I am staying on because while it is central, it´s not the main street.

Then I heard some drums tapping at random. I looked out the window. Oh, the sweet sweet relief to learn that there was a Bloca Party starting right on my DOORSTEP. Literally, on the doorstep. So I grabbed my bag, threw on some different clothes (opting for the tiny black hot pants I would never wear anywhere but South America) and some eyeliner, and I was out the door.

The party was super fun, I chose not to drink anything but had to run back to the house for a big bottle of water because it was a ridiculously hot night and no one would allow me to buy just a bottle of water with my massive 100 Rias note. Damn you, currency exchange!!

I had a good boogie, shook what my mama gave me, yet only got 2 guys trying to kiss me. Off form. haha... I came back when I thought it was pretty much just becoming too many drunk people (and way too many guys in dresses - what was with that??), but then heard another band starting up the street again. Back out the door for one last dance and then I was finished for the night.

Gotta say, the clean-up after a Bloca Party is pretty impressive - they have guys following the trucks picking up rubbish and I think homeless people also clean up the cans of beer cos they get money for them. So, besides the whole massive homeless issue here, I guess they have something to do. And it´s better than being homeless and freezing to death in Russia.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

I´m on a boat

I spent yesterday on a boat sailing through the bay surrounding Rio, green-grassed mountains by my back and thumping house in my ears. I was invited by my new friend N who I´d spent that epic night (and following day) with just recently, and a few of her mates.

Having been fed and watered at her house (though I don´t wanna know what kind of meat I was eating in that dish...), and primped and primed (as well as possible in the same clothes as the day before), we headed out to the marina. A bit of miscommunication meant her friends met us outside the front of her house and our taxi drove straight to the marina - without stopping at my apartment as I´d hoped. So I was destined to spend another day in my old clothes with little money in my wallet. The latter not such a bad thing in my circumstance.

The boat party was being organised by a couple they knew, and was 25 Brazilian Rias to get in. Thankfully, we never ended up paying that and I was able to survive on buying just one drink and being shouted the rest by other guys on the boat. It was a beautiful way to spend an afternoon - the only thing missing was the sun :( Saw it for about 10 minutes, I think.

N looked hot in a little Carnaval party dress, and her mates were also beautiful. One in particular has invited me to stay with her in Sao Paolo, where she lives normally, if I choose to go. Apparently the clubs there are pretty good, so it is definitely an option. Just have to check out prices and geographic possibilities.

During the boat party, I had more experience with what I´ve become accustomed to as normal behaviour for Rio guys... strike up a conversation, tell me I´m beautiful, they love my eyes, my hair etc, can they kiss me? Yawn. No. Except for N - she´s fine. One such guy was a professional skateboarder, just a pity he was not one of the fine ones.

When the boat party ended, we piled into the car of the organizer/DJ who I somehow managed to get to ask me to sing one of the tracks he was laying down... sweet. Wonder if that will ever happen. I was unexpectedly quite drunk and when we got to the gay club we were aiming for, I ended up having to dash to the dirty hamburger cart to fire some unexplained meat and toppings into my gob. I did this twice. Two massive burgers. Makes me ill to think of it now.

Anyway, we didn´t end up going into the club as it was ridiculously expensive to get in, and we just went to the house of the organising couple to listen to some tunes and party South American style. Ahem. Thankfully, a few of the guys spoke English so I was able to converse more than the previous 24 hours of mayhem.

I ended up back at my apartment about 7am, when I had to dash up and get some cash for the taxi and then jump in the shower to meet the girls again. However, when I came back down we decided it was easiest to all get some sleep and reconvene when we were alive again. J made me promise to call them when I rose, and they would wake up even if they were sleeping, and come back to get me. Sweethearts. My new posse!!

I have managed to stay on budget SOMEHOW (I´m pretty sure), it´s been easy enuf to get drinks bought for me and club entry paid, let´s hope it continues... Although with all this galavanting around in taxis, I´m not quite sure my good behaviour will continue.

Anyway, time to do some good old-fashioned research about my next destination...

Monday 7 March 2011

The epic journey continues

Ummm, ok... so that was one of the most epic 24 hours of partying I`ve had in a while. In fact, I still haven´t gotten home yet.

Let´s start from the beginning. I arranged to meet my Italian friend for some partying in Lapa again, and before long we were in the midst of the street celebrations and making new friends. Man, the talent here is ridiculous!! And it´s hot enuf that everyone is shirtless (the men at least) and they are really into keeping themselves looking fit!! haha... And for some insane reason I had the pick. All night I was pulled away by people saying "you are beautiful!!". Craziness... So I basically kept my standards high and when I saw (what I thought) was a super sweet, otherwise never to be touched person, I would make eyes and BOOM. Job done.

The rain - which had meant to clear up for the weekend (and by now it was Saturday night) - was still persisting which at first I was annoying about but then, like the rest of them, I embraced it. I am still scared to put my cowboy boots back on, though... urgh, so wet!!!

With our new group of friends, we went into a club that was rammed - I avoided the door charge luckily by one of the guys paying (phew! It was not cheap) and we danced until it closed. I cheekily snuck off a couple of times to make out with one of the guys who was getting it on with one of the girls in the group... hey, it´s all in good fun, right?!

By this stage I spotted a cute Brazilian girl making eyes at me - wow, her figure - and so that was it. She can´t speak English but that means I am forced to try and understand Portuguese (getting better)... she pulled out some random treats from her big black boots at times, ensuring we were in high spirits until the party all but disappeared from the streets and we were faced with scouring the streets for the last remaining dregs (and getting hassled along the way) or jumping on a bus back to her place.

We had lost her friends by this stage so we jumped on a bus alone, only to do a loop of the city (it seemed) and finally arrive at her place. Well, a walk away from the bus then to her place. It was at this stage I realised I was COMPLETELY lost and would be fucked if I attempted to get back to the city. There were local markets, a big highway above my head and lots of non-tourist people quite obviously wondering what this blue-eyed, tutu-toting white rasta woman was doing in their neighbourhood. Good times.

Her friend - who speaks a little Spanish and very little English - was at la casa when we returned and the party continued. At times a young boy - I think maybe her son - came by to hang out with us and I helped him to speak English and some Spanish. Not that I am any good, mind you!

So... here I am, still at her house, more than 24 hours later, having spent last night on a mattress on the floor in front of the TV where Carnaval was being televised from the Sambodrome. WOW. Those costumes are INCREDIBLE. You just don´t believe!! Our bus has gone past some of the floats heading to the dome earlier in the morning and they were also awesome. But the costumes... oh MAN!!! Glitter galore!! And you know how I am about glitter...

And a quick update... just looked in my wallet and I still have half the money left that I came out of the house with yesterday! How I managed THAT I don´t know... But I am certainly not complaining!!

Now we are up n at´em, I´ve assured my CS friend I am still alive and he sent a cryptic reply about taking one thing for another (hope he´s not mad!!)... I hope to get back to the apartment to get changed at one point before I head back out to the festivities. My friend is already parading around in a cute little dress (schwwwinnggg) so I gotta try to spice things up a little. I think I understood her say there was a party we had to go to, and Catete, where I stay, is before that so we can stop off and change clothes before I go out again. Hope so. I am gross.

Saturday 5 March 2011

Carnival day 1: Lost camera no. 2741

One day. That´s all it took to lose my camera in Carnival. Sigh.

I woke up this morning, in a hotel not far from my CS place - fully clothed, mind you - next to an Italian that I JUST partied with. Such a good girl. But even though I am CRAVING sex, I still have my preferences. What a good girl.

So where do I start?? Me and F went into Lapa, essentially the party place for Carnival, to a CS party that was apparently in a house far too small for the bulging guest list we had witnessed materialise online. The bouncer looked very official and the place was great, but we arrived too early and so were sent next door for a beer. Beer? No problemo. I`d had a few already with my meal at F`s (a DELICIOUS traditional Brazilian feast I ate way too much of) so I was in the mood to party.

F had said my tutu was too risque and he wouldn´t be able to protect me all night - I laughed it off... but then we were walking along the street (me sans tutu) and I noticed that actually people weren`t parading around in skimpy outfits, but quite normal, respectable party clothes. Then I saw a girl in a tutu smaller than mine and I excitedly pointed her out to F, who just said "she`s a prostitute". Fine. Point taken.

So... back to the story. We got into the party and a band started, with a bunch of people picking up drums and percussion instruments (we were told no... dammit) and we had a good boogie. Hot Argentinian and a few others from the first CS party I went to arrived, so I had a good crew. Including some cool English girls who had actually been on my flight from London. One of them kissed hot Argentinian... ahh well.

Made friends with an Italian who mentioned the word "coke"... henceforth we were besties, trawling the streets of Lapa for the magic powder. Wasn`t too hard to find, unsurprisingly. I have to admit, my memory stalls a little at this point.

And now we arrive back at the wake-up in the hotel room. I do remember thinking I recognised the area as being close to F`s house but I asked how to get there anyway at reception. The lady didn`t speak English but started to say something about me staying overnight and not paying. I knew exactly what was going on, but I played dumb while they tried to figure out where I had stayed (had no idea what room it was, to be honest) and then eventually said, "OK, thanks, bye". Confused... But happy I got the hell outta there without paying!!! Maybe they thought I was a prostitute... I just can`t win with these people.

Thought I had awoken around my normal early morning time, but it seems I have managed to shake jetlag. It was about 2:45pm. And there goes the day... oops.

Have arranged to meet Italian guy again tonight then meet some CSers at a place in Lapa... CS is really saving me here!! It is so awesome to have a community of people also looking for people to party with. And they are mostly really nice... one guy even said he`d give me a job if I wanted to stay in Rio. Apparently he owns about 15 hotels. And teaches dance, which could be fun (except I think the kind of dance he wants to do with me is more horizontal). Hmmm... well, at least I have options.

Friday 4 March 2011

Morning, pre-Carnival dog walks

My first morning sleeping at my CS friend F`s pad and I thought it was a well-deserved sleep-in. So I laid just a liiiiiiiiiiiittle while longer and then decided to get up and make something of this day. After a shower and a potter around the kitchen, I looked at my phone. 8:38am. DAMN YOU JETLAG!

So, thinking F was still asleep, I stole his dog and crept out to see the building excitement on the pre-Carnival streets of Rio. And this is what I saw...

On my right side, a man gutting fish. Possibly to prepare for hungry drunkards later tonight, possibly just for his 10 children. Who is to know. On the left, a couple of fuck-off tankers with PROTEGAR (bad Spanish tells me this means protect/prosecute) that I would rather NOT be in by the end of the night.

Further down the road, I get to the beach where black muscles ripple on the weights training set-up, curvacious older women flail about in tiny bikinis at a beach volleyball mini-tournament and people walk by with their little dogs. The sun peeks out from behind the clouds - ahh, such sweet relief! - and I thank the stars I finally remembered to put sunscreen on my albino face. Over in the distance, past the beach, the peak of Sugar Loaf mountain is encased in a foreboding white cloud... as if the gods are truly saying, "You really think you are good enuf to be up here??" to all the tourists trekking to the cable cars.

I get a couple of beeps - well, I think they were for me but the traffic can be a little crazy here - and I take my time crossing the roads not to increase my exposure to this appreciate audience (ha!) but to make sure this crazy dog at the end of my leash doesn`t get himself run over. Now that`s a way to sour a new CS friendship!

Speaking of... last night we went to a big CS party and - Rio being one of the most active CS communities - it was jam-packed with people from all around the world. I made some lovely new friends, including a BEAUTIFUL man from Argentina I just wish I could sink my teeth into (unfortunately I think he falls into the category of I WISH) and I got to practise my Spanish again. Oh, when he speaks it, the words drip like honey...

Annnnyway, F has today off work so that´s good. We can head to this Carnival party this afternoon but I am apparently not on the list, so we`ll have to be a little creative. I am looking forward to not hanging off F`s arm, because besides that being incredibly annoying, I need to make sure I don`t rely on him too much here. He has a habit of pushing the flirting jokes a little far and I feel I will explode if he continues to think it`s funny. But, at the moment, alles gut. Now where did I put that tutu???

Thursday 3 March 2011

Sweat... my old friend (or enemy??)

Sweat. It has returned to my life. As much as I bitched about the cold of the European winter, at least I didn´t sweat. BUT, alles gut, and I will certainly not start to complain about Brazil when I just got here.

After posting yesterday, I took the dog for a walk (crazy fucker that it is)and sorted myself out at the beautician (Brazilian in Brazil, anyone?? haha still not old) before returning to the hotel and its rooftop pool. I´ll be squeezing every last drop from this free 4-star ride, you got that right. It is so nice just to have a room to myself with a big queen bed.

The rooftop had a cool view of Rio but unfortunately was situated right next to a building site so along with the pigeons, I had an audience of Brazilian builders. Ahh well. Good for the ego I guess. This place is gonna be good for that, at least. I certainly had to put F back in his place later in the night when he tried his luck. But more on that later.

I went back to the room for a quick kip, which turned into a 5-hour slumber that went right through the time I´d promised to be at F´s for dinner. Oops. So I ran over late and had a delicious soup (the boy can cook) as well as some capirinhas and beers. Things got a little too close for comfort when F was giving me a massage so I had to make the lines a little more definite, and ensure I would have no midnight visitors in my bed during my Carnival Couchsurf.

And I guess I got a taste of what the Brazilians will be like when the parties start. The old "can´t blame a guy for trying" seemed to be the way he was rolling, fine with me as long as the trying stops now. He is a nice guy and very generous with his apartment (and he has a cute dog!) so I would enjoy being friends with him. And getting the ego boost that he thinks I`m awesome and "stand out in a crowd". Well, I sure hope I do, he´s gotta find me some way when I dash off to go dance on a podium or something.

Small hints of Carnival are starting to appear on the street, little stalls with glittery masks and feathered hats, and about twice as many people as yesterday. I almost thought I would have less breakfast to choose from this morning cos the room was so much fuller. Alas, they must´ve known I was coming. Can´t wait to get to the beach when it´s sunny.

Should head out to the botanical gardens soon, F suggested it as a place to chill today despite the on-off rain. Apparently good weather is due to return for the weekend - just in time for the parties! Well, regardless it would be good to see some more of the city via the bus. And I wonder how many more people I can offend by speaking Spanish to today.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Best spread I seen in years

The day is not over yet, in fact for many I am sure it has just began, but I have already managed to stuff my face at the hotel`s buffet breakfast. Seriously, that was the best mother fucking breakfast spread I ever SEEN in a hotel!! And the fresh fruit... oh, how I missed the fresh fruit after months dealing with shitty European fruit. Being from Australia really does make me a fruit snob. So I stuffed my face in preparation for not eating for the whole day and saving money.

I rolled out of the breakfast room to meet F, my new CS friend who kindly offered to put me up for 10 DAYS during the Carnival period, and we walked around the local area. The weather is balmy, overcast but about 26 degrees so a pleasant change to the multi-jumper weather of Europe.

We had some beers then went back to F`s pad - not far from my hotel and guess what, he has a DOG!!! Cutest little Cocker Spaniel named Oled. He´s sitting under my desk atm and I only just remembered as a furry head popped up on my lap for some attention a second ago. Fully plan to walk him regularly. If only I didn´t look like an escaped Albino I would totes fit in. Already had some people tell me my hair is awesome. Thy rastas will be my greatest ally here!!!

F is really nice, keen to show me around and hang out so I am not a loner - but something tells me I will have no problem making friends here - and has already given me a key even though I won´t be staying until tomorrow. I think I´ll give Oled a walk today as I peruse the local beauty salons. Nothin like a dog to pick people up haha...

I think we´ll go salsa dancing tonight, me not being schooled at all in the arts of salsa and F apparently being quite good, so it should be interesting. Oh, also this morning I checked myself out in a full-length mirror (first time since forever as they didn´t have one in Austria) and I HAVE lost weight, gotten more toned as well. So I may actually potentially not look like a beached whale in my bikini, tutu and hosentrager outfit I have planned for the carnival parties. F laughed when I told him about it and said he´d need to be my bodyguard for the evening if I ended up going through it it. Going through with it?? No debate.

Alright. Time to take the dog for a walk (if I can find his lead), check out the beautician, go back to my hotel sans dog and go sit up on the roof on a banana chair by the pool. Ahh, it´s a hard life but someone´s gotta do it, right?

A Brazilian... in Brazil???

Sitting in a central Rio apartment with the window open, a nice warm breeze blowing in while salsa softly plays in the background... Yep, I`m in Brazil...

After having to get up before the asscrack of dawn in Vienna yesterday to get a plane to Heathrow then getting another 12-hour plane to Rio, I was BUGGERED by the time I reached my hotel. And kinda drunk and disorientated. But more on that later.

I had little trouble with the early morning airport mission in Vienna, R gave me great instructions over a bottle of wine the night before (such a lovely girl!) and being so central in the city, it took hardly any time to get to the airport (and it was so cheap!!). Except for getting momentarily lost looking for the second train station. Mental note: drunks give shit directions.

The plane ride to Rio was entertaining... can´t remember part of it because I got a little drunk - well I think I can´t remember it because suddenly the plane began to descend - but made lots of friends from Holland, Germany, Italy and England. Some tried to get me to have a drink at Rio airport but waved them off, promising to meet on Copacabana beach later on as my little Brazilian driver carried my bags away. Yep, that is indeed how I roll.

The airport transfer was a godsend. I would not have navigated the 40-odd minute journey into town very well in my state. Tried to speak Spanish a little bit with the driver, he understood a little a bit and returned in Portuguese... I also understand a little. Meh, better than nothing. At least I managed to ask him to crank some tunes on the way there to sing along to. Hey presto, Snoop Dogg, BOB et al...

Had to nip out to the local late-night food joint to get a burger of some description as I was FAMISHED. Came back to eat it at the hotel and it was a kaleidescope of meats... I guess that`s what you get when you point and shoot at the shop counter. Had to buy water as well, after staying in Austria for so long kinda got used to drinking the tap water. Tried it here. Mistake. Heavily chlorinated.

Confirmed to meet my new CS friend F the next morning (after breakfast of course) and rolled into bed about midnight, which equals to a few hours later Austrian time. Buggered. But also excited about the next couple of weeks. Still a bit scared about my money sitch, but I think I´ll manage to charm some poor sucker into giving me a job...

Rio is a bit grimey, as expected, but there is definitely a cool vibe here, and certainly plenty of skin to look at. The girls have brilliantly Brazilian asses, and tight clothes to show them off (I think I will fit in just fine here) and there have been more than a handful of hot guys to stroll past and pretend not to be staring out. But I saw them lookin at me... yeah that´s right.

My hotel - super sweet score from my travel agent fuck-up - is nicer than I thought it would be, the staff speak perfect English and there are lots of tourists wandering around I am sure to make friends with at some stage lounging out on the rooftop pool. Speaking of, I must jet to the beautician to sort myself out. So, in Brazil, is it really called a "Brazilian"???