Wednesday 2 March 2011

A Brazilian... in Brazil???

Sitting in a central Rio apartment with the window open, a nice warm breeze blowing in while salsa softly plays in the background... Yep, I`m in Brazil...

After having to get up before the asscrack of dawn in Vienna yesterday to get a plane to Heathrow then getting another 12-hour plane to Rio, I was BUGGERED by the time I reached my hotel. And kinda drunk and disorientated. But more on that later.

I had little trouble with the early morning airport mission in Vienna, R gave me great instructions over a bottle of wine the night before (such a lovely girl!) and being so central in the city, it took hardly any time to get to the airport (and it was so cheap!!). Except for getting momentarily lost looking for the second train station. Mental note: drunks give shit directions.

The plane ride to Rio was entertaining... can´t remember part of it because I got a little drunk - well I think I can´t remember it because suddenly the plane began to descend - but made lots of friends from Holland, Germany, Italy and England. Some tried to get me to have a drink at Rio airport but waved them off, promising to meet on Copacabana beach later on as my little Brazilian driver carried my bags away. Yep, that is indeed how I roll.

The airport transfer was a godsend. I would not have navigated the 40-odd minute journey into town very well in my state. Tried to speak Spanish a little bit with the driver, he understood a little a bit and returned in Portuguese... I also understand a little. Meh, better than nothing. At least I managed to ask him to crank some tunes on the way there to sing along to. Hey presto, Snoop Dogg, BOB et al...

Had to nip out to the local late-night food joint to get a burger of some description as I was FAMISHED. Came back to eat it at the hotel and it was a kaleidescope of meats... I guess that`s what you get when you point and shoot at the shop counter. Had to buy water as well, after staying in Austria for so long kinda got used to drinking the tap water. Tried it here. Mistake. Heavily chlorinated.

Confirmed to meet my new CS friend F the next morning (after breakfast of course) and rolled into bed about midnight, which equals to a few hours later Austrian time. Buggered. But also excited about the next couple of weeks. Still a bit scared about my money sitch, but I think I´ll manage to charm some poor sucker into giving me a job...

Rio is a bit grimey, as expected, but there is definitely a cool vibe here, and certainly plenty of skin to look at. The girls have brilliantly Brazilian asses, and tight clothes to show them off (I think I will fit in just fine here) and there have been more than a handful of hot guys to stroll past and pretend not to be staring out. But I saw them lookin at me... yeah that´s right.

My hotel - super sweet score from my travel agent fuck-up - is nicer than I thought it would be, the staff speak perfect English and there are lots of tourists wandering around I am sure to make friends with at some stage lounging out on the rooftop pool. Speaking of, I must jet to the beautician to sort myself out. So, in Brazil, is it really called a "Brazilian"???

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