Thursday 24 March 2011

Dangling carrots

This place is swarming with Aussies, English and Israelis. Add some Danish, Americans and Scandinavians, and you have a pretty good dipping into the gene pool of godlikeness. Seriously, each day it is TEEMING with talent, walking in the door every minute, it´s all I can do to stop myself jumping over the counter and banging every one before they get their room key. Sigh. Self control is a bitch.

So I think I have started to understand the dynamic of the workplace here... and am slowly seeing which group I will be hanging with most. Of course it includes the only other foreigners that work here, and a few locals... seems many of the workers don´t want to stay up, drink beer, play pool and watch the talent swim by every night. But no matter what happens, by finish of shift I am ready to roll.

Today there were some complications with the kitchen and again I had to deal with aggresive Israeli people. Seriously, that is one culture I am learning to really dislike. And I really don´t like piling one whole country into one basket, but pretty much all the angry or rude customers I have had are Israeli. Such a shame because so many are really beautiful... dark olive skin, long eyelashes, irrestistible smiles... shame.

On my hook-up front, things have stalled with T as he is super paranoid about people knowing we are hooking up and we are ALWAYS around staff so there isn´t really any opportunity to do anything. Dangle the FUCKING carrot, why don´t you. Great, now I look behind me and they´ve all left. Thanks for telling me, guys. Fucking men.

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