Monday 21 March 2011

Hot monkey skatey man

Imagine waking up next to a girl you had just met, in a hotel room she had paid for for two hours (possibly more now that I had passed out) and who you couldn`t really understand and who didn`t speak a lick of English. And not knowing where the staff house was you had just moved your things into. A trifle of a pickle.

Once we had established that I only knew my house was "cerca de cementario" (near the cementary or something similar), we jumped in a taxi and drove about 2 blocks to the cementary. Could have walked there. After a failed attempt to get into a house that was indeed not mine, I found my place and got in. Getting into my room, however, was a little more difficult considering the lock stuck. So I climbed in the window and passed out for a few more hours before work.

Just then, I remembered I may have actually just repeated myself with that part of the story - sorry about that, I will blame it on the South American weed. Damn you, you tasty little morsel.

So where was I... OK, so off to "work", a word I bandy around here n there when I think I am actually doing something worthwhile or making an ounce of difference here with my presence. Still, I will maintain I have a proper job and I improve lives.

Am still really enjoying becoming friends with everyone that works here and also the people staying... it`s a good bunch and they are largely quite attractive so added to the already priming pool of talent in my workforce, I am one happy chappy.

After work, we had planned to go into town again but then decided it wasn`t gonna be the same as the previous night and we were a little tired so we opted to stay drinking by the pool. I had made friends with a cool English couple so I chilled with them, sampled the local produce un poco BUT most importantly, kissed my favourite boy that works behind the bar with me. He is so sweet and a bit reserved (well, compared to me anyway!!) and that is probably why I like him so much.

So I was excited about that, and that got me pumped for a couple more drinks. Then I saw a cute Argentinian boy with a lip ring and I was momentarily distracted. My game plan, I developed, was that I would spend my time getting the other guy at the bar and have possibly a more drawn-out affair with him. And this guy I could just get out of my system.

And that I did. A big, ol` system cleansin`.... Muy bien. I am certainly finding all the nooks n crannies of this hostel to enjoy myself. haha... skankarama!!! This guy is only 22, as most people here are, but he is sweet and cute. Kinda a skatey Argentinian... a little monkeyish but hey, monkeys are cute. I would certainly feed this one a banana. Or something.

We kept it on the downlow cos of office politics etc, also because he intists the guy I thought was gay that lives in his staff dorm is in love with me. Also, I didn`t want my bar guy to find out. Gotta keep the peace. But I did tell T about the other guy, just so if something did develop with him, I wouldn`t have to break his heart. Or something.

So there you have it. Another night spent away from my actual house, this time in a spare bed in T`s dorm... and work the next afternoon in the same clothes sans underwear due to lack of supplies at hand. Repitir... skankarama!!

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