Wednesday 9 March 2011

Bloc...o party. On my doorstep.

So they have these things called Bloco Parties during Carnaval, which basically mean street parties that go around the block with dancers, bands and a few trucks with people shouting into microphones.

Yesterday, while I was chilling at home waiting for a phone call that never came from my new little posse of Brazilian girls (who knows what happened there), I was considering my options of getting out of the house while my host played continuous games on the computer. Then I heard an increasing amount of street noise, unusual for the street I am staying on because while it is central, it´s not the main street.

Then I heard some drums tapping at random. I looked out the window. Oh, the sweet sweet relief to learn that there was a Bloca Party starting right on my DOORSTEP. Literally, on the doorstep. So I grabbed my bag, threw on some different clothes (opting for the tiny black hot pants I would never wear anywhere but South America) and some eyeliner, and I was out the door.

The party was super fun, I chose not to drink anything but had to run back to the house for a big bottle of water because it was a ridiculously hot night and no one would allow me to buy just a bottle of water with my massive 100 Rias note. Damn you, currency exchange!!

I had a good boogie, shook what my mama gave me, yet only got 2 guys trying to kiss me. Off form. haha... I came back when I thought it was pretty much just becoming too many drunk people (and way too many guys in dresses - what was with that??), but then heard another band starting up the street again. Back out the door for one last dance and then I was finished for the night.

Gotta say, the clean-up after a Bloca Party is pretty impressive - they have guys following the trucks picking up rubbish and I think homeless people also clean up the cans of beer cos they get money for them. So, besides the whole massive homeless issue here, I guess they have something to do. And it´s better than being homeless and freezing to death in Russia.

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