Wednesday 2 March 2011

Best spread I seen in years

The day is not over yet, in fact for many I am sure it has just began, but I have already managed to stuff my face at the hotel`s buffet breakfast. Seriously, that was the best mother fucking breakfast spread I ever SEEN in a hotel!! And the fresh fruit... oh, how I missed the fresh fruit after months dealing with shitty European fruit. Being from Australia really does make me a fruit snob. So I stuffed my face in preparation for not eating for the whole day and saving money.

I rolled out of the breakfast room to meet F, my new CS friend who kindly offered to put me up for 10 DAYS during the Carnival period, and we walked around the local area. The weather is balmy, overcast but about 26 degrees so a pleasant change to the multi-jumper weather of Europe.

We had some beers then went back to F`s pad - not far from my hotel and guess what, he has a DOG!!! Cutest little Cocker Spaniel named Oled. He´s sitting under my desk atm and I only just remembered as a furry head popped up on my lap for some attention a second ago. Fully plan to walk him regularly. If only I didn´t look like an escaped Albino I would totes fit in. Already had some people tell me my hair is awesome. Thy rastas will be my greatest ally here!!!

F is really nice, keen to show me around and hang out so I am not a loner - but something tells me I will have no problem making friends here - and has already given me a key even though I won´t be staying until tomorrow. I think I´ll give Oled a walk today as I peruse the local beauty salons. Nothin like a dog to pick people up haha...

I think we´ll go salsa dancing tonight, me not being schooled at all in the arts of salsa and F apparently being quite good, so it should be interesting. Oh, also this morning I checked myself out in a full-length mirror (first time since forever as they didn´t have one in Austria) and I HAVE lost weight, gotten more toned as well. So I may actually potentially not look like a beached whale in my bikini, tutu and hosentrager outfit I have planned for the carnival parties. F laughed when I told him about it and said he´d need to be my bodyguard for the evening if I ended up going through it it. Going through with it?? No debate.

Alright. Time to take the dog for a walk (if I can find his lead), check out the beautician, go back to my hotel sans dog and go sit up on the roof on a banana chair by the pool. Ahh, it´s a hard life but someone´s gotta do it, right?

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