Sunday 20 March 2011

2-Hour Hotel Rooms

So these last two days have been a bit of a sun-soaked, Spanish blur... but in a super good way. My first day on the job had me starting at 10, which meant crawling my hung body out of the temporary dorm I was shoved in last minute the night before (forgot to even put sheets on the bed!!) with a swimming head trying to absorb all the information I was being told about what to do etc. Just breathe.

The day got better for me as I became more human, and every person I met that worked or stayed at the hostel was really cool. I love meeting new people so I can tell this will be the perfect environment for me. Just maybe a little dangerous for my liver.

The staff live either at the hostel in a staff dorm or down the road a few kms in the staff house, but they often hang out before or after their shifts cos, well, they aren`t really spoilt for choice for activities outside the waterfalls around here. So there are always people to talk to, and often people I serve at the bar will stay there and talk to me, so I am making friends at lightening speed.

The work is super easy, just serving drinks and taking food orders... I learnt all I needed to know in the first few minutes! But my favourite part is my workmate... as with most of the people here, he is a beautiful Argentinian BUT the nicest guy and quite reserved in terms of flirting so a bit of a challenge for me. Does he like me?? We shall see...

After my shift finished, I got stuck into the beers and when the others finished at 10pm-ish, I grabbed my luggage and jumped on the bus to the staff house, where I had finally been assigned a more permanent bed. Woot! I am rooming in a house with 4 rooms, couple of beds in each, and my sweet roomie does not speak a lick of English. So that will be good for my Spanish! So far, however, we havent`t actually SHARED the room as I have partied a little since entering the household... ahem.

As soon as I dropped my luggage, I saw the others were changing their clothes and they asked if I was coming. Coming where? Cuba Libre, of course! Sweetness in a jar.

We first went to another hostel to drink in town and then to this club, which was pretty rammed... they open quite late here, hours about 1 - 6am, and everyone was dancing. But FUCK ME it was hot!! I was sweating balls. Had a good boogie with the guys from my hostel then saw a bunch more arrive with some guests, and it was on. Boom boom BOOM.

The music was mostly reggaeton so I was in heaven, and when it came to the podium, well I can just quietly say I rocked that shit fo shizzle. Actually had a crowd of people cheering and chanting my name (god knows how they knew it, maybe it was just my friends haha). My inner stripper really came out with that pole, I never knew I had it in me! haha... Must be all that "research" I have done in stripclubs...

At one point I saw a cute but super young guy who I kissed then bailed on, after I found out he was just 18! Oops. Then a girl from Buenos Aires came along, translating through my hostel workmate worked out she wanted to take me to a hotel and I agreed. Meh, she was hot, I was up for it, she said she`d pay...

So this is when the weirdest part of the night comes along... we get in a taxi and go to a hotel in the middle of nowhere down some dirt road, that has rooms you can get for 2 hours if you want. Whaaaaaaaat... weird. I was in a drunken daze by this stage (at this point you`re thinking "this girl is a FOOL, why does she get herself into these situations") but all was good. Apparently these hotels exist here cos most people live with their parents and need somewhere to hook up with people haha...

Had some fun, but was sooo tired and eventually she let me pass out. Woke up at about 10:30am with new idea if it was day or night due to pulled blinds, and was blinded by the sunshine when I clambered out of the room. Repeated questions of "where do you live" in almost incomprehensible BA accented Spanish (mostly she just wrote on her phone and I read the Spanish from there) were meant with my answer of "no se" (I don`t know) but that I did know it was near a cementary.

Thankfully the town is so small there is only one cementary so we drove what ended up being just 2 blocks away (could have walked!) and I was dropped off near the cementary. After a failed try to get into "my" house and being met by a confused young guy who clearly wasn`t my roommate, I finally found the house I was staying in and got in. Had to climb through the window cos the key to my room was sticking, and still had no bedsheets but didn`t care. SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP.

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