Sunday 13 March 2011

The Other Twin.

Today I felt the first burst of bad energy from my CS host in Rio. Not long after waking up, he finally dragged himself away from his god-loved computer games to go to the kitchen, at which point I ran over to check my emails for 30 seconds. Moments later, I hear a banging and crashing in the kitchen and I am wondering what the hell is going on. He comes screaming and ranting into the bedroom saying I didnt know how to wash up properly and he was sick of it blah blah blah... Now I can safely say I have NEVER known anyone to be so precious about washing of dishes but hell, I was trying to do it right!!

Needless to say, mid-rant he booted me off the internet - which I desperately needed to organise my next travels - and so I scooted out of the house to do some sightseeing. But first treated myself to a pedicure - cheapest ever!! - and now I have funky pearl purple nails. Mmmm tasty. For something to do, I chose the botanical gardens (Jardim Bontancao or something), and again planned to meet some other CSers but they never showed for some reason. Probably could have been useful to just bite the bullet and buy a SIM card when I first got here but hey.

The gardens were BEAUTIFUL. I took the best pics I could on my shitty camera phone, even bumped into an Austraaaaaaaaaaaaaayan from Ceeeeeeirns (Cairns for those not in the know), but for some reason I just felt weird the whole time. Really lethargic and kinda light-headed. I put it down to post-sunstroke from yesterday. Oh, did I mention I had a sunburn mark from my iPod cord right down the middle of my stomach? Yeah. Hot.

So I abandoned ship and went back to the apartment, kinda dreading what mood I would encounter when I got there. By this stage I just wanted OUT of that place. Grrr. But anyway, I hung around because there was a little time before the weekly CS meeting where I met a bunch of people the week before. And I needed a sleep to try and get my head back together.

Was kinda relieved when my host said he wasnt coming to the CS party, and I set out alone to catch up with some newly made friends. Finally found the place after walking what felt like a million miles along Copacabana beach, and ran immediately into some Aussie girls. They were nice, we had a chat until I saw HIM. The hot Argentinian. Correction. His hotter identical twin brother. Hotter because, once I started talking to him, he actually had a personality. Boom. If round 1 didnt work then I am definitely trying for round 2.

More touchy-feely than his brother, and this was a good sign, I soon got him down onto the beach mid-downpour for a quick ankle-deep wade into the water...which before long turned into an all-out, underwear affair jumping under the waves and laughing hysterically while simultaneously making out and trying to breathe underwater.

Let me clarify this for you. I am on Copacabana beach. Swimming almost naked at midnight with a HOT Argentinian boy. He pulls his lips from mine to say - in Spanish, of course - do you know that you are beautiful? - I almost melted in his arms. Dear God I could have died right then and died happy.

Anyway, so fast forward a couple of hours and I am back at the place this guy is staying. Of course we had to have a shower to clean ourselves of the sand and salt... but we wont go into that. All I can say is this guy is one of the most beautiful (to me, at least) guys I have seen in Brazil and after failing with his twin the week before (which is a good thing now I know the good twin!!), I am SO happy to have scored this coup. Mmm... so tasty.

Needless to say, my recent interactions with Argentinian boys have changed my plans to head there post-haste. I have 2 hostels in Cordoba (funnily enuf the same town the aforementioned gorgeous boy lives in) that have said I am welcome to come work there, and so I have emailed the better one to see if the offer is still there. Hopefully I will hear back with a yes!

But first I will break up the trip by visiting Foz do IguaƧu, which apparently has some amazing waterfalls you can do a boat trip through. Probably over my budget but I think I will stretch it just for this time. Hopefully I wont be spending much at the hostel so it will balance out. Hopefully...

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