Friday 4 March 2011

Morning, pre-Carnival dog walks

My first morning sleeping at my CS friend F`s pad and I thought it was a well-deserved sleep-in. So I laid just a liiiiiiiiiiiittle while longer and then decided to get up and make something of this day. After a shower and a potter around the kitchen, I looked at my phone. 8:38am. DAMN YOU JETLAG!

So, thinking F was still asleep, I stole his dog and crept out to see the building excitement on the pre-Carnival streets of Rio. And this is what I saw...

On my right side, a man gutting fish. Possibly to prepare for hungry drunkards later tonight, possibly just for his 10 children. Who is to know. On the left, a couple of fuck-off tankers with PROTEGAR (bad Spanish tells me this means protect/prosecute) that I would rather NOT be in by the end of the night.

Further down the road, I get to the beach where black muscles ripple on the weights training set-up, curvacious older women flail about in tiny bikinis at a beach volleyball mini-tournament and people walk by with their little dogs. The sun peeks out from behind the clouds - ahh, such sweet relief! - and I thank the stars I finally remembered to put sunscreen on my albino face. Over in the distance, past the beach, the peak of Sugar Loaf mountain is encased in a foreboding white cloud... as if the gods are truly saying, "You really think you are good enuf to be up here??" to all the tourists trekking to the cable cars.

I get a couple of beeps - well, I think they were for me but the traffic can be a little crazy here - and I take my time crossing the roads not to increase my exposure to this appreciate audience (ha!) but to make sure this crazy dog at the end of my leash doesn`t get himself run over. Now that`s a way to sour a new CS friendship!

Speaking of... last night we went to a big CS party and - Rio being one of the most active CS communities - it was jam-packed with people from all around the world. I made some lovely new friends, including a BEAUTIFUL man from Argentina I just wish I could sink my teeth into (unfortunately I think he falls into the category of I WISH) and I got to practise my Spanish again. Oh, when he speaks it, the words drip like honey...

Annnnyway, F has today off work so that´s good. We can head to this Carnival party this afternoon but I am apparently not on the list, so we`ll have to be a little creative. I am looking forward to not hanging off F`s arm, because besides that being incredibly annoying, I need to make sure I don`t rely on him too much here. He has a habit of pushing the flirting jokes a little far and I feel I will explode if he continues to think it`s funny. But, at the moment, alles gut. Now where did I put that tutu???

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