Saturday 5 March 2011

Carnival day 1: Lost camera no. 2741

One day. That´s all it took to lose my camera in Carnival. Sigh.

I woke up this morning, in a hotel not far from my CS place - fully clothed, mind you - next to an Italian that I JUST partied with. Such a good girl. But even though I am CRAVING sex, I still have my preferences. What a good girl.

So where do I start?? Me and F went into Lapa, essentially the party place for Carnival, to a CS party that was apparently in a house far too small for the bulging guest list we had witnessed materialise online. The bouncer looked very official and the place was great, but we arrived too early and so were sent next door for a beer. Beer? No problemo. I`d had a few already with my meal at F`s (a DELICIOUS traditional Brazilian feast I ate way too much of) so I was in the mood to party.

F had said my tutu was too risque and he wouldn´t be able to protect me all night - I laughed it off... but then we were walking along the street (me sans tutu) and I noticed that actually people weren`t parading around in skimpy outfits, but quite normal, respectable party clothes. Then I saw a girl in a tutu smaller than mine and I excitedly pointed her out to F, who just said "she`s a prostitute". Fine. Point taken.

So... back to the story. We got into the party and a band started, with a bunch of people picking up drums and percussion instruments (we were told no... dammit) and we had a good boogie. Hot Argentinian and a few others from the first CS party I went to arrived, so I had a good crew. Including some cool English girls who had actually been on my flight from London. One of them kissed hot Argentinian... ahh well.

Made friends with an Italian who mentioned the word "coke"... henceforth we were besties, trawling the streets of Lapa for the magic powder. Wasn`t too hard to find, unsurprisingly. I have to admit, my memory stalls a little at this point.

And now we arrive back at the wake-up in the hotel room. I do remember thinking I recognised the area as being close to F`s house but I asked how to get there anyway at reception. The lady didn`t speak English but started to say something about me staying overnight and not paying. I knew exactly what was going on, but I played dumb while they tried to figure out where I had stayed (had no idea what room it was, to be honest) and then eventually said, "OK, thanks, bye". Confused... But happy I got the hell outta there without paying!!! Maybe they thought I was a prostitute... I just can`t win with these people.

Thought I had awoken around my normal early morning time, but it seems I have managed to shake jetlag. It was about 2:45pm. And there goes the day... oops.

Have arranged to meet Italian guy again tonight then meet some CSers at a place in Lapa... CS is really saving me here!! It is so awesome to have a community of people also looking for people to party with. And they are mostly really nice... one guy even said he`d give me a job if I wanted to stay in Rio. Apparently he owns about 15 hotels. And teaches dance, which could be fun (except I think the kind of dance he wants to do with me is more horizontal). Hmmm... well, at least I have options.

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