Saturday 26 February 2011

Shit hitting fan & spraying everwhere time

Feel like shit today - but not because of last night's alcohol. Largely related, my pain is instead caused by stupid actions last night that caused someone else a great deal of pain. So, accordingly, anything shit that happens today is indeed worth dealing with.

What makes me upset today is the fact that I caused drama - as only I seem to do - and most probably ruined my new friend's relationship with her boyfriend. Not that it was the most healthy of relationships to begin with, given he was so easy to indulge, but still she was so very upset...

I've mentioned this guy before... he is probably the hottest Austrian guy I've met since being here, and of course he is my friend's boyfriend. I happened to tell him this last night, and of course the inevitable heavy flirting ensued. To the point that I ended up in a bathroom with him - memory gets fuzy at this point - although I'm pretty sure it was more innocent than I'd like to think. Definitely remember having a normal conversation with him... particularly cos my hosenträger (braces) were still intact when I walked out of there. To run smack bang into his gf waiting to accost me. Aye aye aye. And thy shitteth hath hitteth thy fan.

Seriously, why do I continue to do this damage to people?? Is it something inbuilt in me that just loves to see other people suffer? I just don't know. All I do know is that I need to grow up and start taking responsibility for my actions. Although with Rio Carnivale around the corner, that plan will probably be sidelined for the moment... Dammit.

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