Sunday 6 February 2011

Fat pig strikes again

I just could not stop eating today. Well, really it's not past tense, I still am eating. A lot. It's like I'm pregnant. Except for that I'd need sex. Maybe I'm working so hard I need more energy. Except L has arrived and is doing all the grunt work to save my wrists.

So, the answer to my gluttony is simply... I am a fat, greedy pig. Before L came I felt like one, and she eats just as much as me (but is of course smaller than me) so now I feel like a fat pig with a friend. It's a good thing it's winter because the more I cover up this body, the better it is for everyone.

The weather turned on another bewwwwdiful day today, the sun was shining and it would've been about 10 degrees. Terribly unusual for this time of year, as I've said before. The locals said this part of February is usually still packed with snow and there is hardly ever wind. Today the wind was up, and the animals had to chase their food. haha.

L is doing well with the workload, we work as a good team and today managed to clean the guinea pig/rabbit enclosure (and it is a serious enclosure - an entire building is dedicated to it), a task we did mighty well, if I do say so myself. This time I didn't lift the hutch to find 3 dead guinea pigs - all were alive and well. Except the little buggers kept squarking around our feet and every time I dug the pitchfork into the pile of hay I had visions of it coming out as a guinea pig kebab. Shudder.

Before she left, G asked me what I thought about the guinea pigs and rabbits... and snake. I asked if it needed to be fed while she was away, because if so I'd prefer not to do it. She said she would do it, and was just asking to see what I thought about it all. I mean, I know the snake has to eat but damned if I'm gonna be the one to hand out the death sentence to the poor little critter.

Speaking of G, I haven't heard from her in a couple of days which I take as a sign she may well be relaxing after all. This is good. The animals are all still alive, too, on my watch. Also good. And we're still making the most of that sauna. My skin is still tingling as I write this.

Spoke to G's husband W about going to Vienna to sort out my Brazil visa situation, and he said it would be no problem. Hopefully we'll head there in a couple of days, a big relief for me as it will be there in plenty of time for them to process it and send it back to me here. It's been weighing on my mind so it will be good to get it sorted.

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