Monday 7 February 2011

Opening cans of camel whoopass

Had a new experience when dealing with the camels this morning. One of the bastards - the former stallion, no less - kicked me. Yes, kicked me. With it's front leg. Odd.

Although the action didn't actually hurt - with their pads, it was more like a soft thump - but the incident caused me to immediately freak a little that I'd lost the 'alpha' status I needed to be able to control them during the early morning feeding process. My reaction? Open a whole caaaaaaaaaaaaaaan of whoopass on the prick. I used what I had in my hand - a bunch of collars - and whipped him a few times until I was sure he was scared of me, or just fed up with the whipping. Then I grabbed a whip and made sure I tied him up with no more instances.

Now I don't want y'all to think I've gone crazy with power ("what's the use of going crazy without power??" sorry... Simpsons movie quote there - when you watched that one a zillion times while teaching English in Bratislava, it happens)... I really had to take charge of the situation, and if you knew how big this guy was... his humps sit about 2m off the ground I reckon. If he goes over the top of me, I am finished.

So. Besides this, today was good. Another sunny one, and we used the opportunity to do outdoorsy kinda work with the hay and oiling some of the tack. Actually, we got a lot done today, and when G called me from her health retreat (sounding relaxed, I'm happy to report), I told her we were on a break because our arms were about to give up on us. I swear L will punch me next time I ask her to get the wheelbarrow.

W asked when we were going to Vienna, and as I thought he was perhaps organising the trip for tomorrow, I confusedly said ummm, Thursday?? He said OK, then I checked my email and the girl who took us out on Friday said she could also take us to Vienna that day. So now I am sure I will be there on Thursday, no matter what. Everything will be sorted. Fingers crossed.

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