Tuesday 15 February 2011

Covert cake-baking

So I'm sitting here, idling time away dreaming of an extended holiday to Granada should things surprisingly turn out with this Spanish boy... distracting myself successfully from actually learning more Spanish - really, I am hopeless - but all the while waiting for a phone call from J, who earlier invited us to her house for her boyfriend's bday.

The invitation actually came from my joke to come round as she mentioned she had cake when we spoke on FB chat... seems she was keen to bring us over after the family all left, so I jumped at the chance. As you can tell from my previous post, I was all for getting out of the house!

Well, what do you know - she JUST spoke to me on FB chat as I wrote this post and said W is too tired tonight. Oh well. All I'm thinking of is the cake L made for the bday... now it will be all ours, mwah hahahahahahaha!!! Unless we see her tomorrow of course... but maybe we can make another cake and this will just be the trial one?? We're planning a possible meet-up tomoz, so we'll see what happens...

The cake-baking was so cute, L slipped out of the bedroom when we were chilling and I had my earphones on practising Spanish. I didn't think where she could have gone but then I came down to the kitchen (as I frequently do), and there was a cute little cake sitting there filling the room with all sorts of wonderful aromas! I helped out with the icing and now it's sitting in the fridge, beckoning me, sweetly serenading me with its cakey goodness... would be rude to ignore it, wouldn't it...???

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