Sunday 27 February 2011

Last sleep in Eitental

My final night in Eitental. Wow, I can't believe it's finally here!! Not in a bad way, but it has been a whole two months and I've been so looking forward to going to South America, the thought of it just one sleep away makes me all funny in the tummy :)

Today was interesting... I spent a large part of it trying to give L some space as I thougt she was in a shitter of a mood - maybe because of something I did, maybe just fed up in general - but when I brought it up, she said she was gonna ask me the same thing! So then it was all OK.

Regardless of moods - existant or not - I wanted to make sure I did as much as I could today to make the rest of the week easier on L before she also left (for Germany though, not the sunny sands of Sud Amerika!!). And luckily G wasn't around much so we could do things at our own pace - and even fit in a cheeky sauna in the afternoon! My last one... aww...

We had a quick ride, me on Gnom who fought with me momentarily (when he thought he could win) and managed to give me a little blood blister on my Rottweiler dog bite scar. Dammit, I can see that thing is going to be a problem if I'm on any more crazy horses. Worst position ever. Blah.

Had a quick lead-ride around the yard on Sky, the oldest camel in the bunch and also the most comfy, before we put the animals away for the day. Then we got ourselves ready and started to prepare for my farewell dinner. It is interesting when you have a farewell dinner that you also have to completely prepare, cook and clean up after. The life of a helper. Sigh.

L was brilliant, my right arm with everything and totally great when I was stressing we wouldn't be ready in time for everyone's arrival. But it all went swell in the end, I got to practice my Spanish during the meal and everyone loved the poem I wrote, my Helper Handbook I finished for G and L's photo montage (very profresh looking!!). Good times all round. But I am not looking forward to the mountain of dirty glasses awaiting us tomorrow morning...

Speaking of tomorrow morning, I have a lift arranged for Vienna so I am happy. No lugging mi mochilla (backpack) and its 20kg aroung the U-Bahn. Sweet! Although it now means I am leaving earlier than expected and will probably not be able to ride tomorrow. Or wash my hair. Well, I can always do that in Vienna.

Will be sad to leave here, I have grown to like it, but I am ready for some SUN! And a tan... wow, can't remember the last time I had one... But for the record, as excited as I am, I am NOT expecting too much from Rio. Sun, yes, but EVERYONE says it is dodgy and I will be mugged so I am totally expecting it. And I imagine the city itself is dirty, overcrowded (the population of Australia in one city?? Methinkso!!) and full of the wrong types waiting for Carnival... but hey, it's a new adventure and I am ALL up for them!!

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