Sunday 13 February 2011

Hangover head

After snatching a few quick winks of sleep through the day, I felt kinda human (despite the subtle gritty taste behind some of my teeth, no matter how much I brushed them). Then, as the day wore on, I had a growing pain in my head. I knew I hadn't drunk enuf water during the day but it was hard.

It got to the point, during the second of 2 horserides this afternoon, that I was really not good. I hadn't really told anyone how I was feeling, hoping it would go away on its own accord, but after the ride I had to fess up. Of course G was worried about me, but I assured her it was just a headache. She thought maybe I was lacking minerals because I had gotten new muscles since being here. At that point, I heard L snicker behind me and say under her breath, "You don't need minerals for a hangover!" Cheeky cow.

Made some veggie soup, threw down a couple of Nurofen and trudged off to my room to wallow in my own self-pity til the pills took effect. Really don't like taking pills like that, feel it's so unnatural, but I was aching. And I needed time out from anyone asking me to do anything. For just 10 minutes. Hopefully tomorrow I will keep my temper in check, even if today it was only inside my head.

So now, half a piece of rum cake and chocolate dipped-in-tea later, and I am ready to snuggle back into my bed. I hope when I wake up tomorrow I will have moved a little during my sleep and not locked my hip into an impossibly strained position like I managed to do last night. Must not have moved a muscle in my coma.

Oh, and I spoke to my little Spanish friend today on Facebook chat and I am beginning to understand more n more. Google Translate what?? He speaks to me pretty much always in Spanish, which is good. Not good for him as he's not practising his English, but hey, I need the practice more!! South America, hurry up!!

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