Saturday 26 February 2011

Clarity through the smoke

OK, so there's been new developments in the saga that was last night's dramatic ending. Apparently part of what I can't remember in the toilet with my friend's hot bf included smoking a joint. NOW it makes sense why I went into the damn bathroom in the first place!! I was racking my brain trying to figure out what the hell was going through my brain, because I was clearly not going to sleep with my friend's bf, no matter how hot and fun he was, or how drunk we were.

Now if it involved weed, then yes, I believe that could be a perfect explanation. He says we did kiss in the bathroom, which I thought I remembered but couldn't be sure - now with his confirmation it must've happened. Well, at least HE can remember!! I don't feel bad about kissing him, though, because about 5 minutes earlier I was kissing his gf in front of him! haha... useless. Actually, she told him I was a better kisser than him... bahahaha. He was gutted.

Sooooooo......... now the self-punishing phase of my day is over and I can truly start to enjoy this wonderful above-zero sunshine. I think it's reached about 10 today, for sure, which is so weird considering yesterday's sun was matched with -12 degrees. But hey, I'm not complaining!!

More on last night... we got off to a great start after an expectantly scrumptious feast at E's with several glasses of sect and wine. Already tipsy, we arrived at the pub where J had convened most of the people I'd made friends with through her during my time here. So sweet of her to organise it! We kept drinking, and of course the tequila shots came out. I told everyone there was only 1 way to do it - the Australian way (salt on chest/breast, lemon in mouth) - so that sufficiently amped things up.

Donning our matching hosenträger (braces) - and looking mighty fine, might I add - we then moved across to the Roadhouse which played more rock music but was full of 16-year-olds so we had a drink, a boogie and left. L managed to fall ass over tits on the way to the next bar - and yes everyone saw, poor girl - then we were back at Friends, the bar we went to last time that let us basically do whatever we wanted.

I ran into some guys I'd danced with (to no or little recollection) last time, most of which even remembered my name (oops) but some of which worked behind the bar so were giving us shots etc. In fact, I don't believe the stream of drinks stopped once, at all, during the evening. I think I came away having spent less than 10 euros. Somehow. Generous people. Got plenty of photos so stay tuned for some tasty treats!!

Had a tumultuous drive home with D screaming and sobbing hysterically in the back while I was out of arm's reach in the front seat, and then I passed out for about an hour before getting up for the stable work. L somehow beat me out the door and I was confused when I saw the feed already ready to go to the horses and some things already done... turns out the machine had yet to go to bed and was just pushing on through the stables! What a trooper. Even after breakfast she stayed up on the internet before going to bed.

She had to drag her feet out of bed when I asked about riding... at first it was a no then after looking out the window, reconsideration turned it to yes and she begrudingly came out to help get the horses ready. I swear I've never seen someone take so long to saddle a horse. Haha. She perked up a little after the ride (horseriding tends to lift the spirits) and the weather/riding combo was even starting to peak some sunshine through my cloud of depression.

Now just to get my head together enuf to finish this damn poem for G's farewell present!!

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