Thursday 3 February 2011

Let's do lunch! You can sit over there...

I didn't get a chance to post yesterday as I spent much of the day readying the place for the new helper (yay!) to come... and, without realising it, would spend several hours sitting alone at a cafe waiting for her call.

The way it happened was... After some confusion about who exactly was picking up L from Melk station (it turned into a way bigger drama than it needed to be! Just give me the damn car keys), G's husband said "OK, let's go have lunch in Melk and just wait for L there. You want to do that?" I'm all up for some lunchsies, especially if I don't have to cook or pay for it.

What I didn't realise was that his version of "us" going out to lunch meant us walking in, him seeing his friends (intentional or not??) and promptly directing me to "that table over there" while he pulled up a chair and sat with his friends. Now I don't know about Austria, but where I'm from, that would be the height of rudeness. BUT, ever seeing the brighter side of life (or trying to!), I realised it was for the best, seeing as I don't speak their language nor have any interest in their conversation or game of cards. And I could do with a rest from making conversation. So I amused myself by flipping through Austrian magazines mindlessly for a few hours and thinking about South America.

After a while, I wondered where L had gotten to then got a call from G saying she couldn't reach my number and was waiting at the station. I jumped eagerly from my seat and went to meet her, glad to be out of the smoking section of that cafe for a little while. Seriously - putting a non-smoker in there? Urgh.

So we got along straight away, she's pretty chilled out and was just trying to take it all in as I prattled on about all n sundry, glad I could talk once again at top speed and not have to repeat myself all the time. I showed her around the farm and taught her about the nighttime work, thus reducing instruction time for the early morning shift.

And that was a good thing, since this morning she just got straight to work and with me hard at it as well, we were finished 45 mins earlier than I had predicted for the first morning. Woot woot!! We have kept it pretty easy today, don't wanna work too hard straight off and to be honest, I have been working hard for weeks now. Time to relax.

And relax we did. When we were shown the private sauna in the house and told how to use it, we wasted no time after lunch to jump in and sweat ourselves stupid. I can't believe I've been here a month without doing that. G had mentioned it before but said her husband probably wouldn't want us using it - it was, in fact, him that showed us the ropes today. I have the sneaking suspicion he likes showing off a little to the young girls. Like taking out his nice 70s Merc for a topspeed spin to pick up L yesterday... sure, "just had to check something out" my ass... haha

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