Wednesday 9 February 2011

No way to RUIN this day!! Oh, the glory of puns...

Today tricked me. It tricked me into thinking I was in an Australian winter. It was WAY too warm and the sunshine tickled my face in a way I am not quite so used to anymore. All in all, it made me feel warm n fuzzy in the way only good weather can. And now I want more, more, MORE!!! Bring on Rio, I say.

We spent it productively, getting picked up by a couple of G's friends after our morning schplack, and driving to Dürnstein, a quaint little town preserved in its original glory thanks to donations from the good people of Austria. And so they should donate - the gorgeous blue church it holds and the ruins atop the big hill are deserving of some good ol' tourist exposure.

We, at least, took advantage of that today, heaving ourselves up the hill to the ruin after a scoot around the town, me at least thankful I was working my leg muscles instead of my arms for once. It was a beautiful view from up there, and by that time we were pretty hot - I took the opportunity to undo both my jumper and leather jacket (gasp) then TAKE BOTH OFF (gape). It felt amazing to be standing on top of a 1000-year-old castle ruin in the middle of an Austrian winter with just a singlet top on.

Lunch afterwards was a welcome affair - having soaked up some more views beforehand me and L were well up for a bite (as always). A beer and a wine later, and I was feeling good. Beer + sunshine ALWAYS = feeling good for this one. We drove back to E's house for an after-dinner tea and, much to my enjoyment, glass of sect (sparkling wine) with elderflower juice. I know a friend who would laugh at that one!!

Driving home we spotted... no, it couldn't be... yes, yes it is... a SUNSET!! Living in a valley, we don't ever see the sun set, or really much sun at all, although I didn't realise it until today. It was so nice, a rich golden hue resting at eye level at the end of the road, soaking up all the warmth of the day's freakish winter weather (the bastard). And the cold night returns.

The gloriousness of aforementioned weather also helped me forget that I'd started continously counting the days left until I was finished here. Tomorrow it will be forty days running that I have woken at 6am to do the morning work. Until now I have just grinned n beared it (OK, no grinning but I beared it), knowing that G can't actually do the work herself for now, but it is starting to wear me down a little. Today not even the church bells could wake me up. I can't wait for a weekend off in Vienna in - wait - 10 days. Woot woot!!

Tomorrow we should have nice temps again, and the day after, before it starts going down again. Well, that's good news for Vienna then - we're up and at'em early to get into town in time for the opening of the Brazilian embassy. Finally!

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