Wednesday 23 February 2011

Tiny kitchens make for tiny bitchin's

If I said nothing particularly interesting happened today, would you keep reading? I forgive you if you don't. So. Nothing particularly interesting happened today.

We did the stables in the morning, sat in on G's weekly English improvement gathering with her friends, went on the computer a bit and did some more of the menial factory work with elastics that we were shown yesterday. It's more fun to do after the factory workers leave around lunchtime, as it means we can pull out L's laptop for some crankin' tunes! I just have to remember to blow out the candle at the end... oops.

Late morning I looked out the window and saw there was fluffy little snowballs blowing around, soon growing to a frenzy of snowballs. I let out a few little delighted gasps... to which the secretary replied with a groan and something that sounded like "nichtmare" which I assume means nightmare. Meh, I don't have to drive in it, so I'm gonna enjoy it!

Despite not having a helluva lot to do, we still managed to be a little disorganised with the stables today - but I put that down to our normally "toight as a toiger" routine being disrupted. Without distraction, these days we're finished in about 1 1/4 hours. That's the same as if G did it with one of the factory workers. Super sweet.

Riding in the afternoon was fine. Just fine, though. Not much fast pace, the ground was really hard so probably best for the horses. Also, the weather slowly turned from cold to extremity-freezing during the first and second rides (first on Creo, then jumped for Gnom - didn't want the super pedestrian Optima, thanks), and it was really distracting me from my nice snow-frosted surroundings.

After the rides, we got stuck into the afternoon stable work straight away as it was dangerously close to dinner time (how dare they!). We smelt flavour-flav comin' from the kitchen and got all excited, only to discover G's husband had devoured most of it (we should've known, she only really cooks for him on the rare occasion she cooks). He was still chatting in the tiny kitchen with the girl we rode with, and so we deftly manouvered around them trying to cook a little extra to eat with the deer meat. I gotta say, we're quite good at hiding our frustrations when we need to!

My comment at the dinner table (the other dinner table, where we weren't competing for space) that I wondered if he'd ever cooked or cleaned up for himself made us laugh later, when he asked L what "that bottle was". Detergent W. For washing dishes.

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