Thursday 24 February 2011

A Pregnant Future

Brrr. Getting a little cold in the office here. Even though the sun is loud n proud today, it's still got a winter chill to it. When we were driving in E's car today, her thermometer said it was -10 outside. Eek! I don't think it was that accurate, though, because while it was cold, I don't think it was THAT bad. My little nose hairs were freezing up in there, though, I tell ya...

We had a busy start to the day - I volunteered to give L another crack at doing the camel and horse feeding today while I mucked out (thought I'd remind my muscles what they were designed to do), and things went pretty smoothly. I was quite impressed with how well the camels reacted to L, her calm demeanour is probably a nice change in pace to the rambling little coddling/alpha style I tend to project. Yeah, you try to work that one out.

Mainly today I have been in a happy, bouncy mood, sliding down the supermarket aisles in my cowboy boots, thinking about the adventures soon to come in Rio (and practising my meagre Spanish with G's sister) while trying NOT to think about my lack of funds whilst there. After we sat in on her English class this morning, E had taken my miniscule amount of euros (mostly comprising of the money I was paid to stay at the camel farm) to the bank she used to work at and got me a mega good deal with exchanging them to USD. I was almost too scared to look at the final figure sitting in my pocket. Sigh.

But, chin up! I have been having a fair few dreams that involve pregnancy lately (my friends, not me), and I did a bit of research to see what it means. As I guessed, it is a signal for new beginnings, a creative, fresh start, new ideas... etc etc. PERRRRFECT timing considering I am soon to embark on my 4-month South American journey. Who can GUESS what I will end up doing there...

We have a final supper feast planned for Sunday, which - as the title suggests - is my final night before heading out on my ownsie. W has promised to crack open the champagne (to toast my departure or my arrival??) and I'm sure it will be a fitting farewell to my time here. It will be sad to go, but I just cannot say no to summer :)

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