Tuesday 15 February 2011

Kitchen rant

I think my time here is starting to wear thin. I am still not succeeding in controlling the evil thing that is my mental temper, often catching myself barking back snide comments at orders that are barked to us (in my head, of course). It is mostly because, now that she's healthy and back to order, I think a lot of the things she asks us to do could be done herself.

And the kitchen!! Oh, that room... every time she or her husband go inside, it's like a hurricane has hit it! Feel like I'm back in Australia... For how long they have had people clean after them?? Seems to be a while, given their lack of ability or thought to even move their dirty dishes from the table to the sink. Even just that smidgen of thought would go a long way. Instead, we come in feeling like maids, having to sort through the rubble and debris to make sense of it all again.

This morning - pieces of bread on the ground, on the table, plastic bags strewn about... which is important, which is empty, who freaking knows!!! Then to tell me I'd moved a bag to the wrong place, I felt like turning around and bellowing, "Well, then grow up and learn to put things away!!!!" Feel like a mother always chasing after her children.

BESIDES THAT, I have enjoyed today. We did more riding with the camels, which I know G is doing to give me training but it's also good for her camels to get exercised so I refuse to believe she's selflessly sacrificing the hours. It's give n take in this situation, and I will continue to believe that - which is why it grates on me so much when it's take, take, take.

For lunch, we accepted G's invitation as that meant we didn't have to cook. It meant, however, that we had to set the table and ready everything... not so bad, unless you have continual orders to do more, more, more! I don't think it was that bad but she gets us when we think we're having a break, so to be asked to do so much to just have something to eat... well, let my just say that we regretted saying yes.

I swear I could almost hear L's teeth grinding as we tapped our feet to get out of the taxidermy-laden dinner room (which we never use - would rather NOT look at stuffed animal heads while I eat, thanks). I was certainly counting the seconds. Should NOT let this get to me like it is...

Tonight I think I will decline the aerobics class, my wrists need a rest and so does my head. Just Spanish and relaxation will do for now, thanks. OH, and big news - I am back on top with the stallion! Yeeeoow!! Can now do all the work without help again, which puts a big smile on my face. Hate the feeling of letting myself down like that.

So, if you've survived reading to the end of this rant, congratu-fucking-lations. Guess I won't be seeing you around my blog too much again then, eh??

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