Saturday 5 February 2011

A whiskey-flavoured blur.

Today was a blur. But I'm pretty sure it started with me stumbling out of bed after 2 hours sleep and ended with a tour to the local whiskey distillery. What a trooper.

Last night me and L had a night out on the town (my first in a month, so you can imagine how much I was SCALING the walls), getting picked up by a couple I had befriended at the last party I went to. They are really lovely, he is in a rock band and played us his music on the drive there (haha love it), and she is probably not much older than me but has a 7 year old son. Random.

The first sight I saw when we walked into the bar last night was a cute tattooed Austrian boy. He was introduced as my friend's sister's boyfriend. Dang. Fast forward a few hours and he was licking cinnamon off my chest and sucking a lemon from my mouth with his tequila shot while everyone laughed us on. What a brilliant idea *pats self on back*.

Said idea also opened the door for another good-looking Austrian - this time a girl - to open herself to a little more of a good time and I found myself locking lips with her all night at the next bar we went to. Whether this was before or after I was dancing on top of the bar, I can't be certain, but good times were indeed had by all. Oh, except L whose stomach did not agree with aforementioned tequila and projectile vomited in the toilet before cacooning herself in the car to wait for us to finish partying. She is so embarrassed today.

Seriously. Dancing on a bar in Austria. Would not have thought that would've been an option. Then again, they still allow smoking inside (loving that! NOT!) so maybe they're a little more liberated than I thought.

Stable work was a little hellish this morning, but we just powered through it in silence, me battling with temperamental camels while L got stuck into the poo. I had a sneaking suspicion the camels knew I was struggling. Then one gobbed me smack in the face. Yep, they were onto me.

I somehow agreed to this whiskey tour with G's friend knowing I'd be worse for wear today, but we pushed on and made it through another delicious lunch at E's then a drive through the windy country roads of middle Austria and to this whiskey place. Now I am not a fan of whiskey at the best of times, so today was an effort. I'm not sure when the next time I will drink that stuf will be, and I'm not sad about it.

The tour was in German, a good thing because I could easily tune out, but bad because I didn't know when it would end and it just seemed to go. on. for. e. ver. I stole glances at L every now n then, and I could tell she was deputy of Struggle Town.

Now we've done the stable work, alles gut, and we're about to make some food, brew a thermos of tea and take our poor little selves to our room to ride out the evening tucked in bed reading. I borrowed Twilight and New Moon from E... I think it's time to finally see what all the fuss is about.

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