Sunday 13 February 2011

I think I found my cryptonite

Last night I greened. Yep, it was high school all over again. I guess it was my turn to go down, after L's dismal efforts last week. Was just drinking beer and then decided to have a puff - not realising how long it'd been between puffs and that this particular smoke would be quite strong (for me, at least). I think I've found my cryptonite.

The rest of the night was good, however, with some dancing and meeting more of J's friends. It was J's boyfriend W's band playing and boy, was there some good hair action with the headbanging on stage! Around in circles for ages... I just couldn't keep up!

Met some more cute Austrian boys, again the boyfriends of the friends I had just met. Dammit. Regardless, I'm sure my performance of vomiting out the side of the car would have slid me several paces back in the game. I'm just lucky I won't be seeing them again!

Our first round of drinks was shouted by an old drunk man sitting at the bar, who we avoided eye contact with until the inevitable "danke shen!" brought on a wave of winks, little waves and blown kisses from him. Shudder.

During the day yesterday, we took the camels out for a run through the deer park, me on Wolga and L on a very green Barack. I wasn't concerned that she got the young, excitable one - I was glad to have the surefooted one today. It was mud, mud, mud.

At one point, G (now also riding again because her eyes are better and she can do everything as normal) asked L if she wanted to take Barack for a run to shake his energy and she readily agreed. After stern warning from G that he hadn't been ridden for a few weeks and would be jumpy, L put a determined face on and turned to ride back.

A minute later, I heard the sound of hooves crashing back up the path towards us. "Geez, she didn't take long!" was my first thought. My, second, "Oh shit!" as I realised there was no one in the saddle anymore. G ran back to find her and moments later she was walking back, unhurt but mud from head to toe, saying she'd volunteered herself off his back after a series of bucking. Both G and I agreed that the same would've happened to any of us. I'm just glad it wasn't me this time!

We went back to the house and got some more horses, then finished the ride with the camels. After that, it was off to the supermarket for more food and chill out time back at the ranch.

The days til my Vienna weekend could not come quicker right now, I am finding it difficult not to get annoyed at the slightest thing and I think it's from a lack of days off. Today is particularly frustrating for me to have to do anything I'm asked because it is a reminder of yet another Sunday I have not had a lie-in. It's a bit late to complain now, given the weekend off is just around the corner, so I just bite my lip and try to control myself.

I've worked out that most of my annoyance stems from the way in which we're sometimes asked to do things. While most of the time G is kind and generous, her Austrian accent does put a slightly demanding bark to her orders (which do sound like orders rather than requests). And I don't know why it bugs me so much, but she often doesn't say "please". Just that one word can make such a difference. But I keep telling myself it's just me being irritable - so common the day after I party - and the feeling will go away soon enuf. Well, I will make it go away!

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